zodiac Signs

3 Zodiacs Who Have Been ‘Hesidating’ In 2024

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Hesidating is when you are hesitant to jump into a new relationship because you are overwhelmed by the thought of making a commitment. With all of the problems going on in the world (and your own life), you aren’t sure if you want the trouble that comes along with a serious relationship, so you end up texting someone for months or matching with random people on dating apps and then ghosting them without taking the next step. Here are a few zodiacs who have been hesidating in 2024:

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The idea of getting into a relationship right now is overwhelming. After all, you have so many things on your plate. You have so many responsibilities that need your attention, so many people who are counting on you. You’ve been hesitant to get involved in a serious relationship because you don’t want more stress in your life. Even though the idea of settling down with your soulmate sounds like a dream come true, the concept of dating around is much less appealing. You don’t want to waste your time because there are only so many hours in a day. You’re worried that the effort you invest into a new relationship isn’t going to be worth it, so you have been hesitant to try at all.

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Scorpio, you always keep your cards close to your chest because you’re scared of getting heartbroken or rejected by someone you care about – and lately, those fears have been even more intense. After all, it seems like every time you fall for someone new, they end up hurting you. You’ve been trying to save yourself the trouble by keeping to yourself. Sure, you’ve had crushes here and there and will flirt when the mood strikes, but you have a hard time believing anyone is worth more than a little bit of your time. You’ve been hesitant to commit to someone new because you don’t want history to repeat itself. You don’t want to end up wasting more time on failed relationships when you could be focusing on other areas of your life that bring you joy. You’re doing okay without a relationship, so you don’t see the point in actively looking for love.

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Taurus, you’ve been sticking in your little bubble because you feel the safest there. The thought of getting out in the dating world is super uncomfortable because you’re okay exactly where you are right now. Even though you might want a relationship deep down, you’re also pretty happy on your own. You’re worried that getting into a serious relationship will ruin your routine and disturb this relaxing life you’ve created for yourself. You don’t want to rock the boat, so you’ve been keeping to yourself. You’ve been staying in your own lane. You aren’t sure if you’re ready to commit a bunch of your time and energy to another person because there are so many things you still want to accomplish as an individual. You are busier than ever and it doesn’t seem like your workload will be lightening up anytime soon.

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3 Zodiacs Who Have Been ‘Hesidating’ In 2024

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