zodiac Signs

3 Zodiac Signs Who Need To Go No Contact With Their Situationship In October 2023

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Going no contact with your situationship can be hard, but it is better than living in false hope. Here are three zodiac signs who need to go no contact with their situationship in October 2023.

1. Scorpio

Scorpio, things have felt…off with your situationship, haven’t they? Listen to your instincts because you’re probably right. Your intuition never steers you wrong after all. If you’re sensing that your situationship is never going to commit, chances are they won’t. You deserve something steady. Never forget that.

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2. Capricorn

Capricorn, you don’t have time for games. You’re a catch and have the resume to prove it. If someone is acting unsure about you, consider this to be an answer and that answer is no. Find someone ready to love you instead.

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3. Pisces

Pisces, it’s time to take off the rose-colored glasses: your situationship isn’t working for you. You’re a hopeless romantic, I know. But staying in something that only hurts you is not romantic, it is self-destruction. Let your situationship go. It’s time.

” Click Here To Find Why Pisces Men are so Cold and Unemotional? “

3 Zodiac Signs Who Need To Go No Contact With Their Situationship In October 2023

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