zodiac Signs

Horoscope: These Two Zodiac Signs Should Let Go This Week

Like every Friday, we reveal to you who will be the least lucky astrological signs of the week, thanks to Jean-Yves Espié’s horoscope.

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Here are the flops for the week of August 10-17, 2023.

You spoiled this article on your own and now know that you are among the zodiac flops of the week? Never mind: the cosmic wheel is made to turn and next week may be yours. Not everyone can be a lucky sign for the August 16 New Moon. The sky is moving slowly but surely, and the constellations and planets are constantly changing dairy. Not enough to put your spleen in court-bouillon, if you are part of this top of the least lucky signs of the week. Especially since it’s only astrology and for each sign in bad luck, Jean-Yves Espié has good advice to get back up the slope quickly.

Horoscope: This Astrological Sign Should Step Out Of Its Comfort Zone

Who says New Moon, says the new deal, and particularly for this astrological sign yet a follower of the concept of renewal. Scorpio is by definition the phoenix of the zodiac: as soon as things go wrong, you need a new look. It’s his superpower. But the New Moon in Leo could well shake up his habits. “Several planets navigate in signs of Earth and Fire and invite you to get out of your comfort zone”, analyzes Jean-Yves Espié.

It must be said that, in the sky, the climate is conducive to movement, for Scorpio. His fetish star, Pluto (transformations), retrogrades in Capricorn where he forms a beneficial alliance with Mars (action) in Virgo. Maybe it’s time to molt again, but life might not warn you. “You could achieve what you aspire to and experience the expected change, interprets the astrologer. To do this, take your time, think about the ins and outs. Since we know that the poker face of Scorpions hides a constant semi-panic and an over-intellectualization that would make a Gemini pale, Jean-Yves Espié has some advice for them: “Don’t ask yourself too many questions but concentrate your efforts towards a specific goal. »

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Horoscope: An Astrological Sign Must Be Patient This Week

Usually, this astrological sign has the reputation of knowing how to take things as they come. Pisces may be the zodiac champions of letting go and “we’ll see later,” but this week they could easily lose their temperThe astral reason? At the moment, two stars are stationed in their opposite and complementary sign and creating an unwelcoming context for Pisces: Mars (action, energy) and Mercury (communication). Let them be reassured, “With the exception of a slight impatience caused by the opposition of Mercury and Mars, all the rest of the sky wishes you nothing but good.”

But since Mars also symbolizes our inner little warrior and Mercury the way we communicate, perhaps the moral is to keep calm while saying things the same way. What can make Pisces realize that constantly swallowing their pride and never expressing the slightest negative emotion is not a good idea, in the long run? Neptune retrograde in Pisces and it’s time to question your limits: do you know how to set them correctly? Being able to tell when something hurts you or makes you angry is important. Especially for the natives of the astrological sign least likely to put up barriers between him and the rest of the world. Ulcers don’t just happen to other people. Ask Lena’s Situation.

Horoscope: These Two Zodiac Signs Should Let Go This Week

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