zodiac Signs

Earth Signs: What Astrology Reveals About Your Personality, Strengths & Weaknesses

Did you know that each astrological sign is linked to a primordial element? Water, Fire, Air and… Earth. This greatly impacts personality and social ties. Here is everything you need to know about the natives of the Earth sign.

Air, Fire, Water and Earth… each astrological sign is linked to an element . Thus, Capricorn (December 23-January 20), Virgo (August 23-September 22), and Taurus (April 20-May 20) are all three Earth signs. They are particularly compatible with wishes of the natives of the Water element , who demonstrate a foolproof practical sense.

Who is the nicest sign?

The modest Virgo is without a doubt the friendliest earth sign of the zodiac! Particularly humble , always ready to help, the sign of the Virgin is more evidence of a flawless organization. Virgo is therefore one of the friendliest zodiac signs . The sweetest Water sign is undoubtedly the very sensitive and diplomatic Pisces , while the most adorable Air sign is the charming Libra . This one, always very good advice, takes great care of her loved ones on a daily basis. Finally, the friendliest Fire sign is the majestic Leo., who is particularly honest and loyal .

What is the best earth sign?

It’s hard to choose between Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn! If the sensitive Virgo stands out for his great altruism , the stubborn Taurus is a great worker, with a stable and loyal character . The discreet Capricorn , on the other hand, is the king of organization, in addition to being very modest.

What are the characteristics of earth signs?

The Earth sign gives its natives a sense of management and an innate love of a job well done . The Earth is a true symbol of stability and resilience. However, its natives can show difficulties in accepting the changes . The natives of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn represent loyal people , who can be counted on on a daily basis, but who do not dare to change their habits enough.

What are the Water signs?

The astrological signs linked to the Water element are Cancer, Pisces, as well as Scorpio : these three signs get along particularly well with natives of the Earth element, and bring them fantasy and sweetness in a everyday life often well (too) tidy. The Earth sign brings to Water the stability and security necessary for its development . A winning combo!

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