zodiac Signs

With Which Sign to Spend an Unforgettable Night of Madness?

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To chat to change the world, to dance and have fun, or to have a delicious time under the duvet… Some signs are clearly more suitable than others to make you live an unforgettable night! We tell you everything!

Some signs are more or less compatible in bed , like the surprising Taurus (April 20-May 20) and the daring Virgo (August 23-September 22), who can cuddle for hours , while the sensitive Cancer (June 22-July 22) and arrogant Leo (July 23-August 22) will struggle to see things through . But having a crazy night isn’t just about duvet somersaults. Thus, certain signs can make you spend a crazy evening all in friendship ! This is the case of devoted Pisces (February 20-March 20) and tolerant Aquarius(January 21-February 19) who have the reputation of being very good friends ! Discover the other combinations of signs that will make you have a dream time during a crazy night, whether in bed or to party with friends!

Who to hang out with all night?

Daring Sagittarius (November 23-December 22) is usually very good company for colorful outings! Party animal at heart , he is not afraid to spend the night scouring the bars of his city in search of the slightest amusement. If he may seem carefree, he will nevertheless know his limits and will know when to say stop at the right time. As for the courageous Aries (March 21-April 19), he may surprise you with his excessive dynamism . He will find it harder to stop , so remember to remind him that his next day may give him a headache if he continues to warm up…

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With whom to have a good time in bed?

At the same time sensual , mysterious and a bit dark , sensitive Scorpio (October 24-November 22) can make you have a wonderful time in bed. But he’s not the only one to be a good lover… Disciplined Capricorn (December 23-January 20) might surprise you. If he devotes himself body and soul to seduce you , he could become one of the most erotic lovers you will ever know!

With whom to remake the world for hours?

Listening but also very good talker , the intuitive Gemini (May 21-June 21) can be excellent company if you want to spend a night with friends. He loves discussion and can give you his opinion on a whole lot of things, without ever forgetting to listen to you! Charming Libra (September 23-October 23), who has a generous soul and is very empathetic , will also know how to give you a good time. Very diplomatic , she can be of good advice if you need it.

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