zodiac Signs

Tarot: What The Master Books Of The Major Arcana Say About Your Sign

The Major Arcana in the tarot represents the fundamental cards of the human being, which describe the foundations, obstacles and spiritual personality of each of us.

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As for the tarot, each sign is assigned one of the cards of the Major Arcana, with special meanings that we invite you to discover in the lines below.

Aries Tarot: The Master Card of the Major Arcana is THE EMPEROR

The Emperor’s Book represents the powers with which you help others, but also your way of life and the way others relate to you. This book highlights your leadership character, the ability to discern, prioritize and make important decisions, with a strong echo in society.

When you are in balance in life, you will make the decisions that will bring the best, even if it will be difficult.

This card also signifies mastery and control, mental strength, and wisdom.

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Taurus Tarot: The Master Card of the Major Arcana is HIEROPHANT

It is a powerful book, suitable for people who walk their own paths. It brings creativity, faith and motivation, perseverance, and the power to move forward, to master the near future, to anchor in the present.

These natives explore the truths of the world, love and protect traditions, and are souls who are constantly learning and can reveal to the world the deep source of problems, of truth, of meaning in life.

The Major Arcana in the tarot represents the fundamental cards of the human being, which describe the foundations, obstacles, and spiritual personality of each of us. As for the tarot, each sign is assigned one of the cards of the Major Arcana, with special meanings that we invite you to discover in the lines below.

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Gemini Tarot: The Master Card of the Major Arcana is LOVERS

This card is specific to Gemini and features two beings who seem identical, but are not – they actually represent the two halves of a person, but also the two choices: good or evil, fear or courage, love or hate, intuition or mind, and so on. Gemini natives are often subjected to important choices, having to make that positive choices both for themselves and especially for others.

Beings endowed with special wisdom, they have the gift of humor, knowing how to bring a smile among tears, love among reproaches, and relaxation among tensions.

Their turning point is the moral choice, made with the soul, guided by intuition.

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Cancer Tarot: The Master Card of the Major Arcana is the CHARIOT (Phaeton)

The Chariot urges the natives to bring dynamism to blocking, stagnant situations, which can only be resolved through their mobilization. They can be the ones who bring up those uncomfortable truths, who make the best critique, seeing with clear eyes the weaknesses of a situation.

The book can be interpreted in two ways: war and revenge OR victory and triumph. Often Cancer natives can feel that they are put in situations where their tendency is to react brutally, impulsively, on the spot, but the recommendation of the book is to try to take the reins, to seek control and balance in their actions.

The book also signifies the fact that Cancers have a constant path, but at the same time they love freedom and will choose their own path in life. They can get lost, but they can still find their way. It also signifies a strong sense of direction, an intuition regarding the big picture of situations.

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Leo Tarot: The Master Card of the Major Arcana is POWER

The book brings to Leos the awareness of their own inner strength, the ability to respond with courage, affirmation, promptness and especially taking risks. Also, this card brings intense energy to these natives, hero qualities, Leos easily reaching the center of attention, naturally making themselves noticed, being wanted as leaders, people trusting them.

In the spiritual plane, the Power book shows the native Leo the need to express his inner self, to look for the most vibrant qualities in himself, to express himself through his uniqueness and to have the courage to act!

The book also brings with it pride, the vulnerable area of ​​Leo natives.

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Virgo Tarot: The Master Card of the Major Arcana is THE LITTLE (The Hermit)

The Hermit book brings together two valuable extremes: the depth of living and the heights of knowledge. Both start from self-knowledge but discovering one’s inner values ​​and vulnerabilities means life experiences that will be both beautiful and heartbreaking. Virgo natives go through every emotion of life intensely.

The sensitive area of ​​life they have to face is withdrawal, alienation, and loneliness, a tendency that exists in the natives ruled by this Chart.

They are beings with strong wisdom, who manage to connect with the inner self from an early age, who find their purpose in life, are balanced and self-possessed, who manage to shield themselves from life’s attacks, and who have a deep inner balance. However, they know how to laugh heartily and can change the opinions of those around them.

The Major Arcana in the tarot represents the fundamental cards of the human being, which describe the foundations, obstacles, and spiritual personality of each of us. As for the tarot, each sign is assigned one of the cards of the Major Arcana, with special meanings that we invite you to discover in the lines below.

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Libra Tarot: The Master Card of the Major Arcana is JUSTICE

In its deepest sense, the book of Justice shows the earth-shattering event of redemption and the release of all that had previously been buried or held captive. It is the liberating force that will reflect on one’s own person, but also on others, it is the force that these natives must follow, against the mouth of the world.

This book also brings happiness with liberation, it brings justice and truth, the courage to act where others have hidden or ignored.

The book also symbolizes the need to travel a difficult path in discovering one’s own spirituality, and vocation. Libra natives need to rise to the Light, they need a higher view, marked by the energy of ultimate good.

In a negative sense, the book brings anxiety, wandering on the path of life, and imbalances.

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Scorpio Tarot: The Master Card of the Major Arcana is DEAD

Perhaps one of the most powerful and valuable cards of the Tarotoscope, this card means the end and the new beginning, it is the one without which rebirth does not take place, it is the one that exists anywhere in the Universe and its power comes with responsibility, the way you take care of your life, love yourself and cherish this gift of the Universe: life.

Some of the great discoveries of the world were made in this book, representing new beginnings, in completely unexplored, virgin, highly creative directions, with an important impact on humanity.

These natives need to evolve beyond their own roots, to rise above all that is known, to take on the universal energy of the world, to be reborn and rediscover themselves for a purpose.

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Sagittarius Tarot: The Master Card of the Major Arcana is BUY

We can understand this book more easily if we think about harmony: we eat for the harmony of the body; we choose goodness and love for the harmony of the soul. The natives are in harmony with the environment, they love nature and animals, but also with people, whom they respect as they are, making many friends.

They are in harmony with the sufferings of the world, making various charitable gestures, they are in harmony with their own person, often making healthy choices.

When they get out of the nets of this card, the natives lose their balance and feel unhappy, they can get sick, they can get lost in loneliness.

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Capricorn Tarot: The Master Card of the Major Arcana is THE DEVIL

A challenging book that we all find ourselves under at certain moments in our lives. But Capricorn natives especially need to know their inner shadows in order to control them, they need to understand the evil in the world in order to develop the good, they need to understand the tricks of manipulation to avoid it. Knowing the bad, you value the good.

The book also signifies the need for natives to get out of the zone of negativity, to try to look at the good side of the world, to enjoy the full side of the glass and not the empty one.

It also signifies the power to overcome one’s own weaknesses, to overcome possible obsessions or addictions (which do not necessarily refer to drugs, but perhaps to a certain tradition, to a certain lifestyle, to a certain person).

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Aquarius Tarot: The Master Card of the Major Arcana is the STAR

The Star tarot card is considered one of the three protective cards, which portends a gratifying success. These natives bring good to the world, but at the same time their spiritual goals are distant, difficult to achieve, and present an arduous path in which they risk getting lost, but once they succeed, their actions are precious, admired, and dominant like a star: they dominate by light, through heat, through time.

The star means activities with great perspectives, which is why these natives must make sacrifices to follow their inner intuition, to fight for their aspirations, their desires, and their plans (which they make and redo dozens of times, in some more and give up). It’s hard to appreciate such a long road, with so many details lost in the great distance, to their Star.

These natives have a special connection with the Universe, they have the ability to convince others that they can, that the world is better, that there is hope.

In a negative sense, natives can get lost in dreams, in vain separates, in routine.

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Pisces Tarot: The Master Card of the Major Arcana is the MOON

The moon symbolizes what we see on the surface, but also what lies in the depths, in the darkness, and in the shadows. Representing the mystery of the night, these natives are gifted with extraordinary intuition – when all souls sleep, their power is present. These natives descend into the depths of life, discovering simplicity and happiness at the same time, they are of extraordinary creativity and strong souls, who can bring balance to others.

In a negative sense, the book can represent fear of action, alienation and withdrawal, jealousy and impulsiveness, and dark forebodings.

These natives are connected with both the light and shadows of the Universe. They are often endowed with premonitory powers and can be healers or guides, models for society, and inventors.

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