zodiac Signs

Jupiter Has Left The Sign Of Pisces For The First Time In 12 Years, And Now It Arrives In Aries

Jupiter returns to Aries on December 20, 2022, after a long transit of 12 years in the sign of Pisces. It will remain in the first sign of the zodiac until May 16, 2023, offering us unprecedented cosmic energy!

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Jupiter, the planet of luck, abundance, and expansion, leaves Pisces and enters fiery Aries. This new energy will make us feel bolder, more confident, and more inclined to act – are you ready?

When Jupiter was in Pisces, it brought us major moments of healing, emotional cleansing, and the ability to dream big, astrologers say. Now, Jupiter in Aries gives us the gas in the tank and the bold and fearless energy to get going.

We will all feel a certain increase in speed and momentum in our lives as if something stronger than us is accelerating our ambition.

If Jupiter in Pisces was a magical transit for dreaming, this next phase for the lucky planet is about turning those dreams into reality. We will experience increased optimism and enthusiasm in different areas of our lives and we will feel ready to take action.

When the Planet of Luck arrives in fiery Aries, we will no longer hide and feel intimidated to go after what we want.

How to benefit from the energy of Jupiter in Aries

You will feel the urge to move on! This is due to the fact that Aries is ruled by Mars, the Planet of Action. This is an excellent time to ask yourself what you would do if you knew 100% that you would succeed.

Apply for that job? Start that book? Training for your first marathon? Whatever it is, it’s time to be a little selfish and get moving.

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Jupiter will re-enter Aries on December 20, 2022, where it will remain until May 16, 2023. Keep a journal of how you feel during this time, so you can set yourself up for success later.

At its highest vibration, Aries is the sign of the self. So when Jupiter is here, a large part of your attention will be directed toward self-improvement and self-knowledge.

Most importantly, this transit is about doing things

With any transit, there are things to be aware of. Jupiter in Aries marks a period when your patience will be tested. This is because Jupiter likes to stretch our emotions, and Aries are known to throw tantrums from time to time due to their passionate nature. As long as you don’t become too capricious, jealous or manic, then the energy can help you access your abilities, encouraging you to keep moving forward.

If you fail to control your impulses, you could create a big mess in your life, either in the professional field or in your private life. Don’t forget to relax! Call for relaxing activities! Go for a walk, get a massage or allow yourself to take a nap in the middle of the day. Intense days are not necessarily all bad, but taking it easy is always a good idea.

As much as you can, take the lead, initiate, and inspire others with your enthusiasm and courage. Use Jupiter’s energy to tap into the faith you need in your ability to reinvent your life and express your authenticity. There are no failures during this transit – only victories and lessons.

To make the most of Jupiter in Aries, take action, be a pioneer and inspire others. With this new energy, you might surprise yourself!

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