zodiac Signs

This Will Be The Case This Weekend From December 27 To 29 For Each Zodiac Sign

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Know the predictions of the Chinese horoscope for each zodiac sign in love, health, money and work.

According to the Chinese horoscope , the year of the Tiger can mark the life of all the signs of the zodiac , given its call to action, its freedom, rebelliousness and willingness to take into account and help others. With an iron will, you will not have to get lost in details and act persistently and focused on the objectives.

Taking this as a premise, it is also possible to analyze the impact of oriental astrology at each moment, and for each sign of the zodiac . Find out below what this weekend of December 27 to 28 will be like, according to the predictions of the Chinese horoscope .

Rat (1936 – 1948 – 1960 – 1972 – 1984 – 1996 – 2008 – 2020)

According to the predictions of oriental astrology for this Chinese zodiac sign , catching up on pending payments is the advice that gives the dog to those ruled by the rat. Put your finances in order, and regardless of whether you have to sacrifice any taste or plan, it is better that you release that financial burden. In the same way, avoid generating new debts on this day.

Ox (1937 – 1949 – 1961 – 1973 – 1985 – 1997 – 2009 – 2021)

The friends of the ox will look for them to have a good time together. Accept the invitation and free yourself from the stresses of the week. In addition, from that meeting, interesting proposals will come out so that the ox can improve his job position and increase his income.

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Tiger (1938 – 1950 – 1962 – 1974 – 1986 – 1998 – 2010 – 2022)

The Tiger zodiac sign will step on solid ground this day, and that means that the decisions you make today will be the best. So put the doubt aside and give that answer that you have been avoiding or materialize what has been going on in your head. Doubt and procrastination could be punished by the dog.

Rabbit (1939 – 1951 – 1963 – 1975 – 1987 – 1999 – 2011)

According to the predictions of oriental astrology for this sign of the zodiac of the Chinese zodiac , those born in the years of the rabbit have not yet fully stabilized their energy. For this reason, health could play a trick on them. Everything related to the kidneys, bladder and urinary tract will be the most likely to cause discomfort. Do not hesitate to consult the doctor immediately. Wearing purple or violet will help balance energy.

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Dragon (1940 – 1952 – 1964 – 1976 – 1988 – 2000 – 2012)

Legal problems, especially hidden ones, could complicate the weekend for those ruled by the Dragon. So, as much as possible, avoid signing documents and incurring obligations, as it could go wrong for you.

Snake (1941 – 1953 – 1965 – 1977 – 1989 – 2001 – 2013)

After several hectic days, the snake has earned a rest. So, the dog suggests that, as far as possible, they postpone meetings, not engage in new activities and return home early. Even the day is conducive to planning vacations and outings, they deserve it.

Horse (1942 – 1954 – 1966 – 1978 – 1990 – 2002 – 2014)

It is time for the horse to set its priorities. For weeks he has been itching between activities, obligations, family and partner. This, logically, has already exhausted him and is also leading him to postpone his life. The dog advises them to make a list and decide what to focus on, then go one step at a time.

Goat (1943 – 1955 – 1967 – 1979 – 1991 – 2003 – 2015)

Being untrue, today, more than ever, will cause serious problems for those ruled by the goat. No matter how “white” the lie is, the sheep will be left in a very bad light and their superiors will not be satisfied with this situation. They are at high risk of losing their job if they do not act honestly.

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Monkey (1944 – 1956 – 1968 – 1980 – 1992 – 2004 – 2016)

According to the predictions of oriental astrology for this sign of the Chinese zodiac , the Monkey will feel very restless these days. They might even be anxious for no apparent reason. The energy of your month is beginning to fade and this is affecting you. However, not everything is bad, have a notebook handy and write down everything that comes to your head, from there ideas will emerge that will be useful to improve your finances, which have been affected during this month.

Rooster (1945 – 1957 – 1969 – 1981 – 1993 – 2005 – 2017)

Past infidelities will come to light and will put the rooster against a rock and a hard place. Whether they committed it or it was their partner, in both cases the situation can become very critical. Before making any decision, seek advice and, if necessary, distance yourself for a few days. Acting with a “hot head” will cause them more distress.

Dog (1946 – 1958 – 1970 – 1982 – 1994 – 2006 – 2018)

According to the predictions of oriental astrology for this sign of the zodiac of the Chinese zodiac , you can harness your own energy to improve your job position. From applying for a new job to requesting promotions or transfers, petitions filed on this day have a good chance of getting a positive response, especially if filed in the morning hours.

Pig (1947 – 1959 – 1971 – 1983 – 1995 – 2007 – 2019)

These days can be presented in favorable terms for the pig, especially in relationship and work issues. However, it is important that they pay attention to the health of the children in the family. According to the predictions of oriental astrology for this zodiac sign of the Chinese zodiac , infections and viral diseases could seriously attack them and make them visit the emergency services.

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This Will Be The Case This Weekend From December 27 To 29 For Each Zodiac Sign

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