zodiac Signs

Which zodiac signs are the most narcissistic? (Ranked)

Narcissistic zodiac signs are passionately in love with themselves, and if they aren’t careful, the ego is the one that takes care of them.

Good self-esteem is essential to the success of relationships with ourselves and with others, but when it’s overdone, it’s not healthy at all.

Anyone can commit the sin of being led by narcissism, but there are some signs that are more prone to it.

In the age of self-love and self-care, focusing on oneself and one’s well-being invites us to become narcissists.

As for the word narcissistic , it is often used to describe those who are vain, selfish, egotistical, and self-centered.

And when it comes to astrology, there are zodiac signs that are more likely to exhibit narcissistic personality traits than the others, simply because of traits that are often associated with the sign.

Each zodiac sign has its fair share of positive traits as well as some negative ones.

After all, what defines being human is having good and bad sides.

But if a particular trait seems to be holding you back in life—like a tendency to be a little self-centered—it can help to figure out why and make some simple changes.

It is important to have healthy self-esteem. But it’s also important to look closely and see if our healthy self-esteem isn’t really overcompensating to hide deep-rooted insecurities.

It’s good to take a look at our potential character flaws to create our best selves.

If people want more happiness in life, self-confidence is the first step.

That being said, it’s always important to remember that not everyone will fully identify with their sign.

Although different zodiac signs have different traits, not all traits may apply to you.

Even though these zodiac signs can be a bit vain at times, that doesn’t mean they’re bad people or that they can’t improve.

So here we have compiled a list of narcissistic zodiac signs ranked from smallest to largest, but first let’s mention a few symptoms of narcissism and narcissistic zodiac signs.

What are the Symptoms of Narcissism and a Narcissistic Personality?

Everyone is a narcissist to some degree and carries the narcissism within themselves, and it is perfectly healthy and normal to love yourself; but if you are the victim of a narcissistic personality type, you will recognize many of the symptoms listed below:

Narcissism and Inflated Self-Confidence

The person believes that wherever they go, they should be treated with extra care.

Arrogance and condescension are seen daily. If not handled with special care, they can create scenes and erupt in anger.

Narcissism and narcissistic anger are explosive and unpredictable.

narcissism and delusions of grandeur

They believe that without the right tools or will, they will achieve great things. This is a very common symptom of narcissism.

Narcissism needs praise and admiration

Need constant reassurance of their worth, gets angry if not praised.

narcissism and entitlement

This is another symptom of narcissism. They should get whatever they want, instantly and the way they want, just because they asked for it.

If the narcissistic personality lives in your family, they will use their title (mother, father) to get what they want from you without treating you with kindness or care.

When it comes to a partner, they will always keep in mind that they deserve whatever they ask for without having to treat you in any way.

You will find them in an uncontrollable state of anger when someone doesn’t treat them the way they want (especially people in the service industry, but also co-workers, employees, family, friends, strangers).

Narcissism and lack of empathy

Every single person around her is seen as a tool or product, and she will use, seduce, hurt, love you with the sole purpose of getting something out of you. Classic narcissism.

You don’t consider or understand your feelings, you exist only to serve them in some way.

Narcissism and Bullying

They will maintain their inflated sense by belittling, patronizing, bullying, harassing you, ignoring your feelings and your reality.

If you have noticed this in a person, then it is certainly another symptom of narcissism.

Narcissism and Compulsive Lying

In fact, you will find them adapting reality to their wants/needs, leading to extreme confusion.

Since the lies are subtle at first, you might not notice.

They also tend to seal off their lives, with each audience having a different version of reality. Separate and conquer.

Is that narcissism or not?

Most Narcissistic Zodiac Signs (Ranked From Smallest To Largest)

“Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?

If you think that you or a friend repeat this phrase every now and then, it means that you like to appreciate yourself.

To find out if you can blame the stars, check out the list of the most narcissistic zodiac signs.

Narcissists are more toxic than you think.

If you’ve ever been in a relationship with a narcissist, try never to be in that situation again.

Narcissists will do whatever they have to do to get what they want, even if it leads to violence.

While they may appear charming and warm, in reality they are cold, distant, and lack compassion and empathy.

Some narcissists are fully aware of their narcissism and don’t do anything about it because they don’t think their qualities are bad.

They are not users, they are just focused and determined to get what they want out of life. Narcissists believe they are superior to everyone.

But there’s one thing narcissists don’t want, and that’s a lack of attention.

If all eyes aren’t on her, they will bring the focus back to her.

If we add astrology, it is clear that the narcissistic zodiac signs share the same qualities.

And the best way to spot a narcissist is with this definitive ranking of the most narcissistic zodiac signs in astrology, from most to least.

12. Pisces

Because this zodiac sign is usually so selfless, they don’t tend to be a narcissist.

They would have too much trouble being calculating, cold and insensitive as these traits go against everything they stand for.

Pisces are more comfortable as followers than leaders and probably don’t have the energy needed to be a narcissist.

11. Capricorn

Capricorns are too dependable and conscientious to be extremely narcissistic.

But that doesn’t mean they don’t have some narcissistic traits.

This zodiac sign can be somewhat calculating and cold hearted when it comes to getting what they want.

If Capricorn were narcissistic, it would likely have something to do with their work or career; manipulating a loved one would not do them any good.

10. Libra

Libras can be very deceptive and superficial. They like pretty things and pretty people and will use their charms to get them.

All people under this zodiac sign enjoy getting attention and naturally expect special, differentiated treatment.

But they are neither cold nor arrogant. Libras try to avoid conflict.

They love to talk about themselves and they will exaggerate these things if they feel the listener is not impressed enough.

9. Gemini

This zodiac sign tends to be too scattered and disorganized to be a narcissist.

They’re smart and can certainly make up a story to appear like a hero, but they’re not good at using people for their own needs.

People under this zodiac sign can be narcissistic when it comes to talking about themselves, but even then they aren’t out to hurt anyone.

Geminis are smart and very social, which are helpful traits when you’re a narcissist, but Geminis are too kind and thoughtful in nature to be good narcissists.

8. Cancer

People born under this zodiac sign can be needy like a narcissist and will use any tricks imaginable to get a person’s attention.

But this zodiac sign is too compassionate to be a true narcissist.

They may be codependent, pessimistic, and highly suspicious, but they are not arrogant, callous, or scheming.

When Cancer is emotionally hurt, they can become very self-centered and consumed by feelings of self-pity.

7. Sagittarius

If you stand in this zodiac sign’s way to get what they want, they will make you regret it.

When it comes to saying what’s on their mind, Sagittarius can be blunt and don’t seem to care how much it hurts.

It is impossible for this zodiac sign to see things from another person’s point of view.

When they use manipulation tactics, they don’t see it’s wrong.

Sagittarius isn’t as evil as narcissists can be, just immature and self-centered.

6. Aries

Aries are ruthless rather than narcissistic. They don’t always think of others and show no consideration for them, even if it’s a loved one.

This zodiac sign does whatever it wants, and if it works out for others, that’s fine; if not, that is not Aries’ thing.

Don’t try to challenge their superiority status, because then you’ve got a war on your hands.

5. Virgo

People under this zodiac sign have at least one narcissistic trait, which is that they believe they are always going to be the greatest genius in the room.

Virgos are full of themselves and have an opportunity to back up the data as they love nothing more than research.

Perhaps because this zodiac sign is so smart, they are a very good liar and will lie to get what they want.

Narcissists strive for perfection – they want the perfect partner, the perfect house, the perfect job.

Just like virgins. Narcissists and Virgos alike can act arrogant or conceited.

4. Aquarius

If you were to accuse an Aquarius of being narcissistic, they would say you were wrong – they are just independent.

Well, they can be independent to the point that they think of nothing but their own desires.

You may want to help people and the earth, but not when there are too many feelings involved.

This zodiac sign has the cold and distant qualities that narcissists have.

They will also exploit people for their own ends, and sometimes their charity work is just a way to gain attention and sympathy.

This zodiac sign wants to inspire because they love that kind of attention.

Aquarians think they know better than you, and if they use you for their own ends, you should be flattered.

3. Scorpio

Scorpio’s aren’t as narcissistic when doing well, but beware if they’ve been hurt or betrayed recently; he becomes extremely intent on revenge.

When this zodiac sign is on the warpath, they don’t care who gets hurt.

Scorpio’s revenge is cold, calculating, and violent.

They don’t seem to realize how wrong it is to take advantage of others to get what they want.

This zodiac sign has a knack for shutting people out completely and erasing them from their lives.

2. lion

The second word for a lion is narcissism.

People under this zodiac sign are so confident in themselves that it’s not hard to see them as narcissists.

They genuinely believe that the world revolves around them and that they are entitled to do whatever they want to keep it that way.

This zodiac sign appears very confident but is secretly insecure, just like narcissists.

Leos practically invented the love bombing game, the tactic of showering someone with attention, gifts, texts and flowers.

Leos will do almost anything to satisfy their desires, and they don’t care who gets hurt in the process.

If you need to break up with a narcissistic Leo, they can turn it around so that they are the victim.

1. Taurus

People under this sign tend to think they are better and deserve more than most people.

They seem to think that what they do for their own benefit is worth it because they are worth it.

They lack the ability to feel empathy – if it hasn’t happened to them, they won’t even bother trying to understand.

Taurus and narcissists both also tend to be bullies who always want their way and have intense anger issues.

People under this sign are master manipulators and can be superficial and materialistic.

However, the most narcissistic thing about Taurus is their ability to persuade people to do things they would normally never do. You have to be careful when dealing with this zodiac sign.

Which zodiac signs are the most narcissistic? (Ranked)

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