zodiac Signs

These 5 zodiac signs fight each other the most, are you one of them?

There is almost no person who has not at least once quarreled to excess with another person.

The process of verbal arguing is as old as mankind itself and nothing unknown to us.

Nevertheless, there is a question that always comes up when arguing: Is arguing an expression of superiority or of helplessness?

What is certain is that some people fight because of deep-seated emotions and trauma they have experienced, while others do it because they are easily irritable.

On the other hand, arguing can be a direct means of manipulation and abuse, and a clear distinction should be made between a simple argument and verbal abuse.

No one has the right to influence you with their mean and demeaning words and one should always avoid these types of people.

Still, there are some people who, simply because of their temperament and emotional complexities, tend to engage in the more harmless types of arguments.

Some zodiac signs particularly like to argue because it is part of their personality.

In our list we have also ranked the most argumentative zodiac signs in the zodiac, are you one of them?

5. Taurus

Many would dispute that Taurus is a quarrelsome person, and that’s true, for the most part.

Taurus would never argue with their friends, nor would they attack out of nowhere or when they are feeling down.

They don’t use others as whipping boys when they’re sad or angry, but the situation changes when they’re frustrated.

If someone in your family, friend, or partner makes you feel bad or unloved, you hit back immediately.

The worst that can happen to them is that their feelings are not reciprocated and their efforts are neglected.

All they need is just to be loved and appreciated, and if someone doesn’t even bother to let them know that over a message, they’ll freak out.

They will point out any time someone didn’t appreciate their efforts and also when they were cruel and mean to them.

Taurus may never start an argument, but they will as soon as there is a good reason for it.

They truly are the most wonderful people to meet, but you don’t want to get on their bad side.

Finally, while Taurus is an earth sign, they have horns they can stab you with.

4. Virgo

If you are meeting a Virgo for the first time then you would definitely think that they are the most lovely and gentle individuals but that is far from the truth.

Virgos are absolute control freaks who want everything to be done their way, the only right way.

You are extremely annoyed with easygoing and sloppy people who don’t think much about details.

What also drives her mad is messy people who forget to take off their shoes when entering the room or who don’t wash their plates immediately after eating.

They have their own little perfect way of life, and if someone doesn’t follow their ways, they’ll overwhelm them with arguments.

Not only are Virgos very strict when it comes to cleanliness, but they also get annoyed when someone does something illogical.

So should it happen that you open the cereal box wrong, they will mess with you and make you feel like the dumbest person in the world.

They don’t condone stupidity, nor do they condone whiny people, and these are all good reasons to start a fight.

Sometimes Virgos will even pick fights just to make them feel better when they’re nervous or frustrated.

Either way, their reason for arguing is for someone’s own good too, after all they never try to change anyone but to improve them.

3. Gemini

Geminis are very unpredictable and prone to arguments, especially when someone tries to manipulate them.

These people are very sure of themselves and don’t let anyone fool them.

Sometimes the arguments Gemini start can also be a direct result of frustrations.

Because they think highly of themselves, they will argue with anyone who doesn’t think so too.

They are also very sensitive to injustice and may find reason for argument in the fact that others have gotten more than they have, despite working harder for something.

Geminis also like to argue if they disagree with a statement.

They’re the kind of people who think they know everything, and even when they’re wrong, they’ll defend their opinions to the end.

Sometimes it makes them look worse than they really are, but actually they just have a hard time admitting they’re wrong.

They’re always checking all the facts, so they feel less competent when they’re wrong.

Their argumentative side is less visible even on a good day, but one should always be on the lookout for as they change moods quickly.

2. Aries

People born under the Aries zodiac sign are the most conflictive individuals you will ever meet.

They have a very hot temper and see any action that is not in line with their beliefs as a direct threat.

Even if the opposite point of view should not be taken as an insult or disrespect but as the opinion of the other individual, they still get angry and make a whole scene.

Aries will make a whole statement in defense of their ideals and find it hard to accept anything that goes against their nature.

Even if the subject of the argument is something that offends her personally, then there will definitely be harsh words.

Sometimes it takes the slightest of reasons for them to break out, but the most common is when they feel offended or offended.

Because of this, they will defend themselves with all their might, because what else is an Aries supposed to do but attack you when you make them angry.

Luckily, their anger helps them never fall into the victim trap, but it causes them to have a lot of personal conflicts with others.

Also in love they dislike being dominated in any way and they regularly claim dominance over the relationship with explosive arguments.

Still, they are such great and exciting lovers that their temperament can be tolerated and deep down they are the most lovable people anyway.

1. Sagittarius

Sagittarius is one of the most combative and argumentative people.

They never like to admit they are wrong and it is imperative that their opinion be accepted whether it is right or wrong.

Similar to Aries, they are very bossy and like to claim dominance, but in a different way.

Aries defends their point of view out of emotion, but Sagittarius out of a need to be the elder, the supreme.

Their opinion should be the one that matters the most, and they don’t like being told otherwise.

Sometimes, like Aries, they also argue because they disagree with certain points of view, but again, they try to assert their dominance.

You’re a fire sign and don’t want to be disrespected, so arguments can end in fights.

Also, Sagittarians start fights out of boredom, because they get bored with too much positivity.

If you happen to know someone with this zodiac sign, then you can agree that they tend to bring in negative energy at times.

They do this to upset the balance that leads life to monotony, which can be a childish motive at times.

These 5 zodiac signs fight each other the most, are you one of them?

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