zodiac Signs

This zodiac sign is the hardest to get over

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Perhaps you keep thinking about one of your ex-partners or just wondering why you are having such a hard time getting over a certain ex-boyfriend?

This could be due to your two zodiac signs. Because according to astrology, there is a certain zodiac sign for every person who will find it difficult to get over them.

Even if you’re not usually the type of person to mourn the loss of an ex or a relationship, there is that one person with a certain zodiac sign who leaves a lasting impression on us.

Therefore, it is often very difficult for us to forget that person and move on without them.

Here you can learn which zodiac sign you will have the most trouble getting over based on your zodiac sign.

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1.  Aries (March 21 – April 20): Libra

Aries natives are known to be passionate and fiery, and this is what sets them apart from the graceful Libra zodiac sign. 

However, there is an instant and magnetic attraction between these two zodiac signs.

No other zodiac sign has such chemistry and they find it hard to keep their hands off each other.

They will even manage to get along well and have a lot of fun for a while, but eventually they will pull apart the many opposites.

But an Aries person will always long for the charming and sensual Libra partner.

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2. Taurus (April 21 – May 20): Sagittarius

Taurus and Sagittarius are actually not a very good match because there are few points of contact between the two of them.

Although both are free and easy, their relationship will fail because Taurus cannot keep up with Sagittarius and Sagittarius finds Taurus too slow.

Despite their intense attraction, they will continue to date or make up again and again even when they know they are completely incompatible.

When the relationship is finally over, Taurus will forever mourn the happy and entertaining Sagittarius.

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3. Gemini (May 21 – June 21): Libra

Since Gemini and Libra are both air signs and two of the most sociable zodiac signs in the zodiac, they will hit it off right away.

These two will enjoy the time they spend together and will hardly want to leave each other’s sides.

Their relationship promises many carefree hours together, but they will also go from one party to the next together.

Charming Libra and outgoing Gemini will often be the center of attention as a couple and everyone will love having this couple around.

But when their relationship fails, it will feel like a massive heartbreak for both of them because they will feel like they will never find someone they get along with so well in their lives.

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4. Cancer (June 22 – July 22): Pisces

In the whole of the zodiac there is hardly a more romantic and fairytale connection than that between gentle Cancer and dreamy Pisces.

Both zodiac signs are relationship oriented and love to talk about their feelings and fantasies so it seems these two are made for each other.

If something happens to go wrong in their relationship, both of them will definitely mourn this lost and unconditional love.

Because Cancer natives are sentimental, all too often they tend to keep thinking about their exes and wondering if there was something they could have done better.

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5. Leo (July 23 to August 23): Aquarius

Of the three fire signs, Leo typically takes more time to get over the past or a relationship.

Aquarius will bring out the adventurous side of Leo and they will have a lot of fun together.

But since both are stubborn and mostly clash without wanting to compromise, the end of their relationship is inevitable.

Since Aquarius is Leo’s opposite sign, it will be particularly difficult for them to overcome the pain of loss when these two have to go their separate ways.

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6. Virgo (August 24 – September 23): Aquarius

It seems that Virgo and Aquarius natives tend to get along initially due to their shared love of intellectual things.

Because of the same interests, both will stimulate each other intellectually and talk for hours about everything from current events to unique and original ideas.

The perfectionist Virgo will not be able to resist thoroughly analyzing their unpredictable Aquarius partner, especially if they keep distancing themselves from them.

Although they have a deep understanding for each other, it’s easy for their deep connection to evaporate.

If Aquarius bolts, annoyed by cautious and dutiful Virgo, she will long mourn the loss of this revolutionary and crazy partner.

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7. Libra (September 24 – October 23): Taurus

Taurus and Libra are true romantics and are attracted to each other because of their ruling planet Venus.

When together, they make a beautiful and dreamy couple.

However, Libras tend to want their space in relationships, which can bring out Taurus’s jealous and possessive side.

Libras will have trouble getting over the graceful Taurus, especially when she thinks back to the early days of their relationship when it all seemed like a movie.

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8. Scorpio (October 24 – November 22): Aries

The Zodiac’s Most Passionate Couple award goes to Scorpio and Aries.

Their ruling planet Mars gives them their fire and temper, making this pair a hot and explosive combination.

They find each other sexy and erotic, but unfortunately their arguments can quickly escalate due to their proud and passionate nature.

They will try to fight for their love and keep the relationship going. But if they don’t manage to maintain their relationship, Scorpio in particular will find it difficult.

He will doubt that it is possible to find that kind of intense dynamic with anyone else in the zodiac.

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9. Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21): Aries

The fire signs Sagittarius and Aries go well together because they are both lively and spirited.

You are also spontaneous and have a desire to live life to the fullest. You are both independent and will always understand each other’s need for space.

Aries’ relationship with Sagittarius promises a lot of harmony and understanding because they will never feel restricted in the relationship.

But while their connection can be invigorating for both of them, sometimes Sagittarians just move on and look for a new partner.

In general, Sagittarius is not one to mourn the loss of those who have passed away, but an Aries partner is the exception.

He will soon long for the adventurous and varied life together.

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10. Capricorn (December 22 – January 20): Libra

Capricorn and Libra are an interesting couple, and this pairing has a lot of potential.

Capricorn especially likes the elegant and well-groomed Libra, which in turn appreciates the ambitious and hard-working Capricorn.

Libra is the perfect partner for the stiff Capricorn and can teach them a lot when it comes to love, fun and balance in life.

While Capricorn is very serious and cautious, Libra has a youthful and playful energy, so the two are just too opposite on many things.

When their relationship fails, Capricorn will miss the gentle and balanced Libra who can handle their sometimes boorish demeanors.

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11. Aquarius (January 21 – February 19): Aquarius

A connection between two Aquarians is unbeatable and completely unique.

Free and unattached, this air sign can only be with a partner who shares the same views on freedom and independence.

Both will be cheerful and easy-going, so their relationship will be characterized by tolerance and understanding.

Aquarius will reflect on this dynamic long after the relationship ends.

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12. Pisces (February 20 – March 20): Virgo

Pisces and Virgo are a good combination because Pisces brings emotional depth to the relationship while Virgo provides stability.

When these two meet, they will enjoy a loving and sincere relationship.

There could only be major problems and tensions in the relationship if the practical and perfectionist Virgo find the dreamy Pisces a little too messy.

The sensitive and hopelessly romantic Pisces could take offense at the critical Virgo and dive back into their dream world.

Even when the Pisces native ends the relationship, one of the most important things they will lack is their ex-Virgo’s consistency and loyalty.

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This zodiac sign is the hardest to get over

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