zodiac Signs

The 3 most emotionally unstable zodiac signs

For those born under these zodiac signs, drama is part of their daily routine. Their sudden mood swings are commonplace, and if something bothers or offends them, they will surely make it known.

This impact of the stars on each person is marked by the day of birth, which determines the sign of the zodiac that will be their ruler. The most important decisions of our life and the most outstanding characteristics of our character are marked by the defects and virtues of each sign. Discover, below, which are the 3  most emotionally unstable zodiac signs of the entire Western horoscope , according to astrology.


It is the most fragile zodiac sign , emotionally speaking, of the entire horoscope . On the outside it seems that they have a strong character, but deep down they are very sentimental. According to astrology , Cancer is the only member of the zodiac governed by the Moon, so in his nature there is a maternal and protective instinct, so that he gives himself to his loved ones in body and soul. However, when they feel abandoned or betrayed they experience sudden mood swings. In fact, he has a reputation for being very moody precisely because of his emotional sensitivity.


The scorpion is the zodiac sign of the Western horoscope that is most likely to experience emotionally unstable episodes. In addition to being very passionate, they have a restless imagination so when they are prey to bad thoughts, they can go from happiness to anger in an instant. According to what astrology experts reveal , Scorpio passionately surrenders to all his instincts, which is why his way of feeling is very intense. They can easily lose control and this attitude can cause many problems in their love life.


Although it is a calm, peaceful, kind and empathetic zodiac sign , it can be easy prey for sudden mood swings. Within the horoscope , it is the sign that is most sensitive to the feelings of others and offers its disinterested help. However, according to what astrology reveals , he can be easily offended when others do not accept his support. As I am still made of water, it is difficult for him to control his emotions, so he can experience a radical transformation of feelings.

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