zodiac Signs

The Most Dangerous Zodiac Signs, According To Fbi Statistics

Each zodiac sign has its own characteristics and is special in its own way.

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Some zodiac signs forgive easily, while others take cruel revenge!

The FBI has released the birth dates of serial killers and psychopaths, so here are the most dangerous zodiac signs, starting with the most harmless:


Gemini is the least dangerous, although some say bad things about them. This is because they don’t take anything too seriously and are good people. They are too talkative and have no intention of hurting or killing anyone.


Aquarius is another rather harmless zodiac sign, because it really believes in justice.

However, their ego is big and they are also one of the smartest people. Even if they commit a crime, the evidence disappears in no time.


Leos are proud and strong, but despite this, they do not harm other people.

Libra Libra

is patient, but a little more dangerous than the signs listed previously. She loses her temper when others hurt her.


Virgo is somewhere in the middle, but she’s heading to the dangerous side.

She has psychopathic tendencies, but she doesn’t always choose violence. He does fraudulent activities more often.


Those of the Pisces zodiac sign are considered likable people. However, most serial killers are born under this zodiac sign. They can easily become addicted to certain things and are very prone to harm.

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Capricorns are behind most mass murders, but there aren’t many killers born under this sign. Most Capricorns are fair and moral, but can become very dangerous if provoked.


Aries is very aggressive and crazy.

He doesn’t control himself very well, so if you offend him, you could be in big trouble. However, his anger doesn’t last long.


Taurus is really aggressive and angry, but they are more prone to fraud than killing people. This is because he loves expensive things and money.


The unhealthiest people in history were born under this zodiac sign. They are supreme leaders and commit mass murders.


Most serial killers are born under the Scorpio sign.

This is a sadistic and really dangerous sign, so be careful around it.


Cancer is the most dangerous zodiac sign. He is passive-aggressive and can become extremely jealous. This leads to more and more bad deeds.

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