zodiac Signs

What Essential Oil To Use, Depending On Your Zodiac Sign

Candles, face masks, and relaxing baths, all will be much more useful if you choose the essential oil that suits you according to your zodiac sign!

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Aries(March 21 – April 20)

Lavender essential oil.

You are wild and adventurous, which means you can sometimes be too impatient. Opt for lavender oil which is extremely soothing. Extracted from the lavender bush, its scent has a calming effect on both the body and the mind. This means that you will be zen when you need it most.

Taurus(April 21 – May 21)

Cedarwood essential oil.

You put the happiness of those around you above yours, and that means time is limited for you. Keep your feet on the ground with this oil, which gives a strong sense of purpose due to the woody aromas of the forest. It will improve your mood.

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Gemini(May 22 – June 21)

Basil essential oil.

Your interests are constantly changing, and all these conflicting thoughts can cause a bit of confusion. Basil is famous for invigorating the senses. A few drops of this oil will help you focus, melt more clearly and fight the exhaustion that comes from your inability to decide.

Cancer(June 22 – July 21)

Peppermint essential oil.

You are a sensitive person, so when your life goes a little crazy, you often suffer from anxiety and stomach problems. Ingested, mint is good for the stomach, and its calming smell invigorates the senses.

Leo(July 22 – August 22)

Ginger essential oil.

You are full of confidence and demand attention wherever you go. Ginger oil has mental stimulating properties and is also famous for improving breathing. Ingest it for energy or diffuse it for a more subtle effect.

Virgo(August 23 – September 22)

Ylang Ylang essential oil.

You are a practical person with your feet on the ground, but very obsessed with many things. I can handle the pressure with ylang ylang. This floral oil is harvested from the flowers of the Ylang Ylang tree and helps to relax by inducing feelings of joy and positivity. Sit on your back, relax and let this oil calm your mind so that you become zen.

Libra(September 23 – October 22)

Incense essential oil.

Being such a charming person, you have to keep everything in balance. When inhaled, incense oil has adaptogenic properties that will help calm any emotional situation and bring feelings of peace. It has also been shown to reduce heart rate and blood pressure during any tense period.

Scorpio(October 23 – November 21)

Rose essential oil.

Being the most passionate sign, sometimes your heart can be overwhelmed with jealousy. Rose oil acts as a pill to relieve tension and open the heart to love. Extracted from rose flowers, the natural floral scent also helps relieve anxiety-induced depression.

Sagittarius(November 22 – December 21)

Tea tree essential oil.

You love to travel and new experiences. But all this adventure you live in can have physical effects on your body. Tea tree oil will soothe muscles and improve circulation. Apply just a few drops directly on the skin and let its invigorating properties remove any pain.

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Capricorn(December 22 – January 19)

Sandalwood essential oil.

You are always looking to improve everything around you. Sandalwood will help you calm your inner perfectionism so that you can feel free and create a balance between your professional and personal life. It has been used in meditation practices for centuries for its mood-enhancing properties.

Aquarius(January 20 – February 18)

German chamomile essential oil.

Even if your sign is famous as the most eccentric of the whole zodiac due to your creative way of thinking, you may sometimes need a little help to express your ingenious ideas. The calming properties of this oil, also known as blue chamomile oil, will help you improve your mood, lift your spirits and get rid of all the anxiety that hinders the creative process.

Pisces(February 19 – March 20)

Vetiver essential oil.

You tend to run away from reality and dream, but this oil can help you stay present and focus whenever you need it. Vetiver is an oil extracted from the root of an Indian herb and has calming properties that are very suitable for you. It will bring your wandering mind back to Earth.

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What Essential Oil To Use, Depending On Your Zodiac Sign

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