zodiac Signs

5 Signs That Immediately Give Up The People Who Hurt Them

Have you ever had a friend who got mad at you and instead of telling you what happened, he chose to break up with you?

This is very disturbing, confusing and painful. You don’t know what you did wrong and how you can fix it, which is why you feel that you are not worthy to be a part of that person’s life.

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It takes an icy personality to be able to get people out of your life so fast. Not all zodiac signs do, but there are some that are quite sharp when it comes to giving up someone without giving them a chance to defend themselves. Not only do these people say they don’t deserve to be friends with you and they don’t want to deal with you anymore, but they will never find a place in your life. There is no forgiveness once you have been removed and you are invisible to them from that moment on.

If they have been seriously injured, then their decision is the right one, but they do react when it comes to nothing!

What are the zodiac signs that immediately give up the people who hurt them?


Scorpio is not open and does not reveal too many things, he tends to keep his own emotions and secrets only for himself. He is very sensitive and if someone hurts him, he will settle all accounts with that person. If you ever find yourself in a situation where a Scorpio breaks up with you, then let it be! Do not try to change his thinking or negative feelings, because you will do nothing but intensify them. At least when he gives up on you, you don’t have to worry about your life.

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Aquarius is as cold as ice.

When he feels uncomfortable or upset, his answer is to let go of the situation. He will not listen to you. The distance he will take from you is not because he does not care, but because he does not have the necessary skills to deal with a sensitive situation. When an Aquarius is so harsh and takes you out of his life, don’t take it personally, it’s just his way of doing things.


There are times when a Capricorn will intentionally destroy a relationship because he believes that it will never work or that his partner will leave or cheat on him. Think of it as a pre-emptive strike. When a Capricorn does this, the reason is not one you can understand.

When you ask him for an explanation, he will be as cold as ice and will focus only on his work. There are situations in which people consider him unfeeling, but this is not the case, he really cares.

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Cancer is very sensitive and sometimes the best way to react to a painful situation is to withdraw and eliminate the source of the pain. It could be an ex-boyfriend, a friend or a family member, but if they hurt him, then Cancer will take them out of his life for good. It may seem immature or unfair, but it is one of his ways of dealing with suffering. He will miss the person, but eventually breaking off with him will make everything less painful for him.


Virgo is very cerebral and it is extremely difficult for her to give up a person in her life. There are times when it seems icy, but it’s not like that at all. She is very sensitive, and her feelings can sometimes overwhelm her and she feels that she can no longer deal with what others feel. It is more comfortable for her to detach and lose a relationship than to open up emotionally.

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5 Signs That Immediately Give Up The People Who Hurt Them

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