zodiac Signs

How much the zodiac signs lie. Who to rely on and who not!

Whether it’s an ugly and serious lie or a small and innocent one, we’ve all been through such an experience in one way or another. 

Find out how much the zodiac signs lie, to know who to beware of!

Aries(March 21 – April 20)

Aries is one of the most direct and sincere zodiac signs, especially when it comes to love.

Everyone knows very well how things are with him. He will never say anything to anyone or have an intimate conversation with someone and then start talking to the person in the back. This is a quality that everyone should have.

Taurus(April 21 – May 21)

Taurus is pretty honest, but that doesn’t mean he can’t lie as much as others.

The difference is that it does so in a less harmful way than other zodiac signs. When he lies, his lies are innocent. Because he is quite stubborn, he thinks that if he lies, he will make others believe that the path he has chosen is the right one. In addition, if you avoid unnecessary conflict, so much the better.

Gemini(May 22 – June 21)

Gemini is more likely to lie because of their dual personality.

What people may not know about them is that this double personality of yours is to blame. They like to tell exaggerated stories, innocent and even serious lies, just because it’s fun for them. Because they like to be in the spotlight, they will often tell stories that are clearly not true. For fun or to hurt someone, they always lie.

Cancer(June 22 – July 21)

Cancer will only lie to protect people’s feelings, but he certainly doesn’t like to do that.

Because he has a big heart, he is used to lying to make people feel better. Cancer is one of the zodiac signs that lies with good intentions and even works. Even if people find out that he lied to spare their feelings, they appreciate their efforts to make them feel better.

Leo(July 22 – August 22)

Leo prefers to be honest because that’s the only way he can look mature and classy.

He knows that lying will ruin his reputation as a trusted man. He’s honest with others because that’s how he wants to be treated. He believes that if he tells others the truth, they will return the favor.

Virgo(August 23 – September 22)

The virgin really cares about the people in her life and would do almost anything to show them that.

That’s why she prefers to be honest. Moreover, he prefers to focus on other things in life rather than focus on inventing valid lies. She likes people to see her as a person they can trust.

Libra(September 23 – October 22)

The balance is charming, but also false.

The reason she lies so much is that she wants people to like her. And rather than be honest with who he is, he prefers to pretend to be someone who thinks people will want to know him, even if it’s not his true self. She also doesn’t like arguing or facing the consequences of her mistakes, so she prefers to lie or blame someone else to get rid of it.

Scorpio(October 23 – November 21)

Scorpio is honest. Although he does not always share too personal things, he does not resort to lying.

He’s honest because he deserves that honesty as much as anyone else in his life. Lying comes with so many negative feelings that it’s better to say things by name. Otherwise, it will grind inside and it is not fun for anyone.

Sagittarius(November 22 – December 21)

Sagittarius always seeks to know the truth, so his goal in life is to be as honest with people as possible.

He can be brutally honest sometimes if he’s not careful. Tact is not exactly his strong point, so it’s easy to cross the line and offend.

Capricorn(December 22 – January 19)

Capricorn has difficulty allowing people into his life, making him very uncomfortable.

No one knows anything about him until he decides he’s ready to open. He doesn’t like to lie and would rather tell the truth, but he will choose to lie if people try to become too personal with him. He tells people enough to make them think they know everything about him.

Aquarius(January 20 – February 18)

Aquarius is the kind of person who says he doesn’t like to lie, but he does.

He considers himself truthful and sincere but does not always show who he really is. He will lie for the good of others or to help others. But even if he has good intentions, he still chooses to lie instead of being honest. He tells people what they want to hear in order to do well in front of them.

Pisces(February 19 – March 20)

Fish lie to please themselves.

They will say and do whatever they can to put themselves in a better light. Sometimes their lies are subconscious, something that is simply a habit. They don’t always lie, and when they do, they think their lies are all well-intentioned.

How much the zodiac signs lie. Who to rely on and who not!


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