zodiac Signs

Zodiac signs and betrayal. How each zodiac sign reacts when deceived

Betraying someone after you have fully trusted that person is one of the worst things that can happen! 

This is how the zodiac signs react when they are betrayed and deceived.

Aries(March 21 – April 20)

What does Aries not do when betrayed? He does not hold treason only for himself.

Aries announces to everyone that he has been betrayed. Social media may not be the best place to share feelings, but it works for Aries. He wants the traitor to feel not only his anger, but also the anger of his community. He will also confront the person who betrayed him and hold him accountable. He wants to know why he did it and what he will do to fix it.

Taurus(April 21 – May 21)

Taurus tends to keep what he feels only to himself.

It will feel awful that someone he trusted cheated on him. He will be overwhelmed with sadness, embarrassment, humiliation, and disappointment. If he decides to do something about it, he will carefully plan his revenge and wait until no one expects him to act. When the right time comes and Taurus strikes, it seems to happen all of a sudden.

Gemini(May 22 – June 21)

When betrayed, the twins will act as if what happened is not a big deal.

I can even throw a party just to show everyone I’m okay. The twins do not want to look vulnerable, otherwise, they could be injured again. However, when they are alone at night, their feelings will surface and they will suffer. They will blame themselves for allowing someone to betray their trust. But the next day, no one will notice that they are injured.

Cancer(June 22 – July 21)

Because Cancer is very sentimental and sensitive, he reacts quite intensely when it comes to betrayal.

He will share his feelings with almost anyone who cares enough to listen to him. He will suffer for a long time. Betrayal will affect his entire life and will change the way he relates and trusts. Cancer will no longer talk to the traitor, but will not block him on social media. If he wants to check that person in the future, he will need access.

Leo(July 22 – August 22)

Leo takes betrayal very personally.

He is strong and will get over it, but he will be saddened by the relationship he once had. The lion will try to take advantage of the situation in some way to make the traitor pay. If he fails on his own, he will make others do it in various ways.

Virgo(August 23 – September 22)

When the Virgin finds out that she has been betrayed, she reacts volcanically: she screams, cries, throws things away and leaves.

She asks the traitor to fix things, and if he refuses, she will begin to develop a plan of revenge and punishment. He will not stop until he succeeds. Virgo is very meticulous and attentive to details, so she will use the little things to carry out her plan.

Libra(September 23 – October 22)

Betrayal will hurt Libra, but it will not let her down.

He will try to get over it quickly and move on. She doesn’t like confrontation, so she’ll just never talk about it again and eliminate that person from her life. There is also the possibility that Libra will be generous and forgiving, wanting to try to fix the problems with the person who hurt her in order to rebuild her relationship.

Scorpio(October 23 – November 21)

Scorpio does not react well when betrayed and is very vindictive.

He will use all his energy to find a great way to get revenge. Scorpio is sensitive and when he is hurt, all he can do is channel those feelings into acts of revenge. Once he is deceived, that person will probably never have a place in his life again. It takes a long time to be able to forgive someone who betrayed him, and that happens quite rarely.

Sagittarius(November 22 – December 21)

When Sagittarius is betrayed, he will suffer for a short time, after which he will get over it and focus on something else.

The best way to overcome betrayal is to move to a whole new place. He is very optimistic and does not tend to split the thread in four. He does not seek to find out why he was deceived or wasted his time seeking revenge. Doing it right is really the best revenge.

Capricorn(December 22 – January 19)

When Capricorn is a traitor, he will do everything he can to forget about it.

He will take refuge in work, get involved in new projects or write that novel he has always wanted to write. However, the truth is that he is suffering, even if he is trying to hide it. If the person who betrayed his trust could take responsibility for his actions and ask for forgiveness, things would start to make sense to him again. The truth is the only thing he wants, but he rarely gets it.

Aquarius(January 20 – February 18)

When Aquarius is betrayed, it becomes as cold as ice.

He is suffering, but he will not share this feeling with anyone, much less with the person who betrayed him. In time, Aquarius will be able to view betrayal logically and scientifically. Aquarius is fascinated by human behavior, especially when it affects him, so he uses the opportunity to be the object of betraying someone to learn new things.

Pisces(February 19 – March 20)

When Pisces is betrayed, they will be so overwhelmed with emotion that their heart will be shattered.

If the person who betrayed them apologizes, Pisces will give it to them, even if it is not the first time this has happened. They want to believe that they have gone through this and can allow that person to return to their life. But any betrayal actually takes a long time for Pisces to heal. If they are attracted to art, they will use those feelings to create something.

Zodiac signs and betrayal. How each zodiac sign reacts when deceived

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