zodiac Signs

Everything you need to know about Earth signs: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn

It is important to know which zodiac sign you were born in, but knowing the element of your zodiac sign is just as useful!

The 4 elements of astrology – earth, water, fire and air – help you define who you really are and reveal to you who you are best in love with. The 12 zodiac signs are divided into 4 elements, 3 zodiac signs for each element, each with its own unique features.

  • Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are signs of Water.
  • Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are signs of Air.
  • Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are signs of Fire.
  • Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are signs of the Earth.

Today we will turn our attention to the last element: the earth element.

Earth signs: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn

The earth is the place where we build and where nature flourishes, that is, these signs are the builders of the zodiac. They are down to earth and bring those around them back to a solid foundation.

Earth signs are known to be pragmatic, acting with confidence and power. Those born in these two Earth signs look to Venus during the day and to the moon at night.

Earth features

Earth signs are productive and realistic. Of course, if you take everything to the extreme, you can fall victim to a monotonous routine.

Earth signs are focused on work, stubborn and do not take big risks. If they do not exaggerate with all these features, their goal-oriented mentality can prevent anyone from pulling them down or destroying them.

Because they are so grounded, these zodiac signs are the most stable in the zodiac.

They are also resilient and cautious, responsible for their sense of duty and always focused on their ultimate goal.

But the practical nature of the signs of the earth also means that Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn tend to place great value on material things, to be greedy, and to focus on appearances. Moreover, because they are so focused on their goals, they tend to neglect the needs and feelings of others.

The unique characteristics of the Earth signs

Taurus, fixed sign

Symbol: Taurus
Governing planet: Venus
Lucky color: Green
Basic personality traits: Although Taurus is known for being stubborn, this zodiac sign is also wise, tenacious, and patient.
Strengths: Creative, determined to achieve long-term goals, focused on family and career stability, dedicated, involved, patient.
Weaknesses: Stubborn, greedy, overly critical, emotionally closed, angry.
Best compatibility in love: Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces.

Virgo, a mutable sign

Governing planet: Mercury
Lucky color: Brown
Basic personality traits: Virgo zodiac sign is well known for its analytical approach to situations. Lacking spontaneity, this sign tends to criticize, but still care deeply about others.

Strengths: Humble, hardworking, meticulous, goal-oriented, analytical, loyal.
Weaknesses: Stressed, extremely critical, shy, overly independent, pretentious.
The best compatibilities in love: Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn.

Capricorn, cardinal sign

Symbol: Goat
Governing planet: Saturn
Lucky color: Gray
Basic personality traits: Capricorn is extremely hardworking and productive. Although he may be a materialist, he is responsible, practical, and the most determined of all the zodiac.
Strengths: Ambitious, stable, patient, focused, disciplined, conscientious.
Weaknesses: Obsessed with control, dissatisfied, apathetic, impatient, selfish.
The best compatibilities in love: Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, Pisces.

Compatibility of Earth signs with Fire, Air and Water signs

Another aspect to consider is how the elements interact together.

Earth and Water: Water softens the Earth, which means that water signs highlight the hidden feelings of earth signs. On the other hand, the Earth encourages water to be more rational and to deal with problems more safely.

Earth and Fire: A relationship between earth and fire signs has a solid foundation.

Fire encourages the Earth to be more enthusiastic, while the Earth provides balance to the Fire.

Earth and Air: The Earth brings the Air with its feet on the ground and encourages it to be practical, while the Air inspires the Earth to think freely. Earth and Air are both relaxing and respectful.

Earth and Earth: Earth is practical and focused on stability. Earth and Earth get along well because they share the same attitude in life and stay true to their common goals.

Why are Earth signs drawn?

Confidence is very attractive for Earth signs, especially for Capricorns. For Taurus, physical attraction is the most important thing, while for Virgo, respect is the most attractive aspect in a relationship.

Taurus Compatibility:

The perfect partners:
 Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces

Being one of the most loyal signs, Taurus needs a partner to trust. This zodiac sign loves people who are balanced, sensual and who match their energy and sensitivity.

In a relationship, Taurus is totally dedicated to their partner.

Virgo Compatibility:

Perfect partners: Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn

Virgo is analytical and critical and needs to be accepted on a deeper level.

This sign is kind, patient and trustworthy, all these features being perfect in a relationship.

If the Virgin can find someone to break down her walls, that person will realize that the Virgin’s feelings are sincere, and loyalty is of paramount importance to her.

Capricorn compatibility:

Perfect Partners:
 Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, Pisces

Like other signs of the Earth, Capricorn does not open easily to others, requiring time, patience, and confidence. This zodiac sign is hardworking and disciplined, both in career and in love.

The right partner for Capricorn is someone you trust, who will accept his cautious nature and be honest without trying to manipulate him.

Everything you need to know about Earth signs: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn


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