Astrological signs ranked from nicest to nastiest
1. Balance
Libras are eternal optimists and fighters for justice. It doesn’t matter if they don’t know the person they are defending.
Libras will act the same whether it’s their friend or a complete stranger.
These are principles and justice. For Libra, the only thing that matters is that justice be served.
This is their main reason why they are so motivated to help others.
Libras are not selfish, and they almost always put the feelings of others before their own.
They will do whatever they can to make another person happy.
This is why it is Libra who wears the crown of kindness as the absolute queen.
2. Fish
Pisces hate conflict, and you’ll rarely see them arguing with someone.
It is not that they have no reason to argue, but they would rather leave rather than remain in a situation of conflict.
Like Libras, Pisces are not selfish, and they help others out of the kindness of their hearts.
There is never an ulterior motive behind their good deeds and they never put their own welfare above that of others.
Anyone who has crossed paths with a Pisces will tell you how kind and sweet he is.
They genuinely care about others, and if they see someone in need of help, they will stop at nothing until they do everything in their power to help them.
3. Taurus
Despite their reputation as a hothead and stubborn, Taurus is actually much deeper than that.
They are very patient when it comes to other people. They love to help, and they will never criticize someone because they know that criticism can sometimes hurt.
Their generosity is their finest quality. If you were a complete stranger and needed something from a Taurus, they wouldn’t deny you it.
Despite the fact that Taureans are extremely patient with others, they can crack up if you get them totally upset.
It’s a pretty difficult thing to do, but it is possible. If that happens, Taurus will go from nice to bad within seconds.
It is not easy to make them lose their temper because they keep their emotions to themselves. They rarely express them and keep them locked up.
Once you manage to open them, run away, because all hell is going to break loose.
4. Aquarius
Aquarians do not tolerate mean and selfish people. They don’t have time to be behind someone’s back or be mean to anyone.
Life is too short for this bullshit.
Aquarians aren’t overflowing with cuteness, but when they first meet someone, they’ll strive to really get to know that person.
People born under this sign don’t like to talk about themselves.
They prefer to hear about others. When it comes to making friends, they’re really good at it.
If you have a different opinion of Aquarians, then you must have met them on one of their rare bad days.
Remember that an Aquarius will always be there to help you.
An Aquarius will be sweet and pleasant, but isn’t a doormat you can walk on either.
If they feel that you are using them, they will turn into nasty enemies.
5. Sagittarius
Sagittarians are nice in general, but that’s not because they’re that way by nature. This is because they avoid negative people and weird situations.
Conflict is just not their cup of tea, and they are much happier to live without it.
They don’t judge others for their behavior, and they have nothing against them.
Their life motto is: “ Leave me alone, hate me as much as you want, but away from me ”.
Their motto is perfect for someone who wants to keep their life cool and stable.
That’s their only reason they’re nice – not because they want to be like that to help others, but because they want to help themselves.
6. Gemini
Gemini have an inner bitch hidden deep inside them. There are two sides to a Gemini.
On the one hand, they are very outgoing and very easy to approach, but on the other hand, they like to talk behind people’s backs and cause embarrassing situations.
If you want to provoke their wicked side, face them.
If you’ve heard that they’ve spread rumors about you, tell them to their faces and see what happens.
Do you think they will apologize kindly by begging you to forgive them?
No, they will yell at you and accuse you of being a liar, which will only make things worse.
In other words, Geminis are nice when they want to be, but if you catch them doing shady things, they’ll get naughty instantly.
7. Cancer
If there was to be a synonym for mood swings, it would be Cancer. With them, you never know where you are.
If they are having a good day, they will behave in the best possible way. They will love you and kiss you, and you will even be fed up with all that love.
But if you catch them on a bad day, you better be careful and find a place to hide because they won’t carefully choose the words to insult you – they will throw everything they have at you. face.
This state they fall into is not exactly wickedness. Cancers are very sensitive and emotional people.
Every emotion they feel, they need to show it.
And when he’s burning from the inside out, Cancer will honestly show how it feels, which most of us would interpret as meanness.
So, they’re not mean on purpose, because they’re really trying to be nice. It’s just that they fail almost every time.
8. Lion
Someone as passionate as a Leo cannot control their feelings and especially their reactions.
Most of the time, they’ll be kind, warm, and considerate friends, but as soon as you step on their toes, they’ll turn into evil monsters.
Lions won’t choose their words to hurt you on purpose. The words will come out of their mouths one way or another.
They don’t even realize what they are capable of saying and doing when they are angry and how that might hurt the other person.
Note: If you really manage to piss off a Leo, and you better not, then you will definitely see their mean side, and you are not going to like them.
9. Virgo
Virgos are the exact opposite of what their name suggests. They are not innocent at all.
This might be the first impression they give, but after a detailed analysis, you’ll see that Virgos are actually pretty mean.
Virgos are great actors, and they can play their act for a long time.
The only problem that bothers them every time and exposes their mean behavior is that the little things get on their nerves.
So when a lot of small, insignificant things happen in a row, they lose their nerves and crack up.
In these situations, Virgo will hurt you on purpose, but you won’t notice it at first.
They’ll wrap a nasty comment in a few compliments. It really is a sneaky thing to do.
10. Aries
Impatient, aggressive, and stubborn – three words you can use to describe an Aries.
Although, if you ask them they will tell you that they are passionate which is completely crazy.
There is a huge difference between being passionate and not caring.
But what happens is Aries can’t control their feelings that build up inside, and so they snap.
They get mad and mean every second.
This way, Aries get whatever they want on the pretext that they are asserting themselves when in fact, they are just mean.
11. Capricorn
Wickedness is the second language of Capricorn. They will be perfectly fine until you piss them off.
If you do something they don’t like, prepare for war. They won’t yell at you or try to hit you.
No, their technique for hurting someone is much more devious.
Their preferred method of getting revenge is to do something behind your back and pretend everything is perfectly fine.
This is what happens when you really make them angry. If you’ve done something not too bad, they’ll act cold and distant.
Either way, a Capricorn always knows when they’re mean – and for them, it’s never without good reason.
12. Scorpio
And finally, the absolute masters of wickedness are Scorpios.
If you do whatever they want and don’t object to any of their decisions, of course, they’ll be nice.
As soon as you disobey the “ always listen to a Scorpio ” rule , you become a target for revenge.
Not only will they cause you harm, but they will carefully plan their revenge down to the smallest detail, and they will leave nothing to chance.
If you’ve screwed up and genuinely want to apologize for your behavior, they’ll ignore you and pretend you’re not there.
You can get down on your knees, but it won’t help.
If you didn’t screw up and managed to explain the misunderstanding (congratulations to those who do), they’ll apologize for blaming you.