zodiac Signs

The Luckiest Day Of 2024 For Your Career, Depending On Your Sign

Here are all the juicy details about Lucky Day 2024 for a career based on your zodiac sign so you can plan accordingly to ask for the promotion:

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Aries (March 21 – April 20)

Happiest day: October 9, 2024

Get ready, Aries, because you will reap the rewards of your hard work this year. Since Jupiter is in your sign from May 10th to October 28th, you’ll be breaking new ground at an accelerated pace!

When the full moon prevails in Aries on October 9, your efforts could lead to epic success.

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Taurus (April 21 – May 20)

The happiest day: November 8, 2024

Who says you can’t thrive in the chaotic energy of a solar eclipse? Just don’t forget to keep your eye on the prize, Taurus!

With the fateful North Node entering Taurus on January 18th, Taurus are blessed with 18 lucky months!

In 2024, the full moon on November 8th – also a powerful lunar eclipse – will shine a spotlight on your talents, whether you’re ready or not!

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Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

The happiest day: September 28, 2024

You have the dogged and stubborn energy of Mars on your side, Gemini, and your career will be a hot one as long as you take hard work and discipline seriously.

Daredevil Mars is on an extended tour of Gemini from August 20, 2023, to March 25, 2024.

While you won’t be lacking in energy during this transit, you’ll be channeling your energies into a truly productive web on September 28th, when Mars trines masterful Saturn.

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Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

The happiest day: June 28, 2024

Cancer, your professional future is looking pretty bright, and that’s to be expected when you have Jupiter on your side for most of the year.

From May 10th to October 28th, Jupiter will be a guest in your career sector for the first time since 2011.

Circle June 28, when the year’s only new moon in Cancer will help you advance one of your ambitious goals.

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Leo (July 23rd – August 23rd)

The happiest day: February 16, 2024

Are you ready to explore the wilder side of your career field, Leo? Be on the lookout for a possible career change and be open to experimenting with profitable skills.

This year’s only full moon in Leo will not only help you make gains, but it will also square the North and South Nodes and will push you to dare to do something outside of your comfort zone.

Venus and Mars meet in your investment sector on the same day, promising financial gains.

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Virgo (August 24th – September 23rd)

The happiest day: August 22, 2024

Virgo, the stars are here to give you a boost of professional wisdom as you settle into a new routine with new responsibilities—think contract signings, negotiations, and deals—so prepare for big changes.

Virgo season begins when the sun shines in your sign for a month starting August 22nd.

While that’s always a bright spot in your year, August 22nd is a particularly lucky day because your ruler, wise Mercury, is also in your sign – forming a prestige-boosting trine with mighty Pluto on this day.

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Libra (24. Sept. – 23. Oct.)

The happiest day: April 16th

In 2024, your social and professional lives will merge. You feel in your element, so enjoy your charisma as you close deals and establish yourself as the big boss.

Your full moon in 2024 makes you the star of the zodiac, but this full moon packs a punch!

Trine authoritarian Saturn in Aquarius makes you a leader and influencer. Cameras on, please!

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Scorpio (Oct. 24 – Nov. 22)

The happiest day: May 16, 2024

Big imaginative (and supernatural) changes are taking place in your career sector, Scorpio, so it’s important that you channel your ambitious energy to advance your professional life.

Big magic comes into play with the annual full moon in Scorpio on May 16, but since it’s also a lunar eclipse, it could bring surprises.

Luckily for you, you are supported by Mars, who achieves something, and Neptune, who makes your dreams come true. Be determined and focus on what you want!

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Sagittarius (Nov 23 – Dec 21)

The happiest day: March 5, 2024

Luck is usually on your side, with the famous charity planet giving you a boost of optimism and prosperity, but there is one spring day that will lead the rest of your professional success.

Once a year, the radiant sun connects with your ruler, wealthy Jupiter, an event now known as the “Day of Miracles.”

This year’s conjunction takes place in Pisces, helping you put down deep roots and establish yourself as a popular force in your field.

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Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 20)

The happiest day: July 13, 2024

Your adventurous spirit is second nature to you, and you’ll feel especially empowered when the moon hits your birth sign this year.

You are at your strongest during the Capricorn Full Moon each year, and in 2024 you will receive cosmic support from the Lunar Node in Taurus. Fate is calling!

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Aquarius (Jan 21 – Feb 19)

The happiest day: March 6, 2024

You are shaping the future of your professional life, Aquarius, and not just on a personal level, but on a larger scale. Cosmic co-pilots Venus and Mars unite in Aquarius on March 6th.

This not only gives your goals a big boost, but you also have the charm to win others over to your vision.

With Venus in Aquarius until April 5th and Mars until April 14th, this day is just the beginning!

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Pisces (February 20th – March 20th)

The happiest day: April 12, 2024

Pisces, you are very lucky when it comes to your calling. That’s why it’s important that you keep your imagination sharp when you change careers or start a business.

This is a rare blessing! April 12th is the day to make magic, as your cosmic co-rulers Jupiter and Neptune unite at the same degree in Pisces – their first conjunction in your sign since 1865.

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The Luckiest Day Of 2024 For Your Career, Depending On Your Sign

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