zodiac Signs

Here’s Why October Is Going To Be The Most Chaotic Month Of 2023, According To Astrology

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There’s a lot going on this month. You don’t need to have any knowledge of astrology to notice that. 2023 has been deemed “the summer of breakups,” and it’s not hard to see why, with so many celebrity couples calling it quits. You’ve undoubtedly noticed a similar trend within your own friend group: instead of returning to toxic exes, everyone seems to be walking away for good.

Plus, why is everyone making quarantine-era mistakes with their hair? How come all your friends are suddenly obsessed with health and fitness? What’s with all the talk about “supermoons”? It can all be explained by taking a look at the astro weather of October, which is some of the most chaotic astrologers have seen in a while. Buckle in.

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Venus retrograde in Leo

Starting off strong, we entered October with the planet of beauty, love, and luxury already retrograde in the glamor-oriented sign of Leo. This meant that breakups, divorces, bad haircuts, and botched lip filler disasters were bound to happen. Egos are set aflame during fiery Leo season, and retrograde season means endings are inevitable.

Full moon in Aquarius

On the first of the month we had the first in a series of “supermoons” in the sign of Aquarius, which sits opposite Leo on the zodiac wheel. The supermoon that heralded the beginning of October brought with it a culmination of plans we set into motion way back in February, and revealed secrets related to our hidden eccentricities, deeply held convictions, and humanitarian longings.

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Mars entering Virgo

Also on October 1st, the planet of action and aggression moved into hardworking Virgo, giving us a bit of a preview of our responsibilities and priorities that might be coming October 23rd when the sun moves into Virgo. Mars is currently active in the sign of physical health, organization, planning, and decision-making. If all of your friends are suddenly pressuring you to join the gym with them, remodeling their apartments, or talking about going to grad school, you can thank the red planet.

Sun-Venus Cazimi in Leo

The word “cazimi” originates from the Greek kardia, meaning “in the heart.” It’s a pretty cool word for a really auspicious astrological event: when two planets meet up in the sky on the same day. Astrologers call this conjunction a meeting “at the heart of the matter,” since the two planets join forces for one brief very lucky window of time. On October 13th, the so-called most romantic day of the summer, you will feel yourself compelled to experience beauty, love, and creativity in new ways.

New moon in Leo

On October 16th, you can expect some dramatic new beginnings in matters related to your creative self, children, romance, and entertainment. What was seeded during the cazimi will only be amplified here, three days later. It’s a great day to wander a museum, plan a date night, or start a new creative endeavor. Just remember, Venus is still retrograde, so there may be a few wrenches thrown into your plans. Roll with the punches and you’ll be fine.

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Mercury retrograde in Virgo

Mercury retrogrades a couple times a year, and while Mercury-ruled Virgos and Geminis typically have the worst time of it, it’s not as big of a deal as you might think. This time, with the retrograde happening in the sign of Virgo, which rules communication, you may want to be extra cautious before you send important emails, take exams, or sign any contracts. Double- and triple-check you haven’t sent the wrong attachment or texted your boss instead of your best friend.

Full moon in Pisces

It’s pretty rare to experience two blue supermoons in one month. To put that into perspective, the last time was 2009, and the next time won’t be until 2032. On October 30th, the Super Blue Moon in dreamy Pisces is here to shift you into a new reality where all your dreams feel possible. It’s a powerful, mystical time to surrender your fears and walk into the unknown. Keep a dream journal by your bed and write down any revelations you receive as you close out the month of October.

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Here’s Why October Is Going To Be The Most Chaotic Month Of 2023, According To Astrology

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