zodiac Signs

4 Birth Months Who Never Let Hard Times Stop Them

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This world isn’t always going to be sunshine and roses. No matter how sweet or successful or intelligent you are, there are going to be tough times that you’re forced to face throughout your life. There are going to be moments that test your courage and resilience. Although some people understandably crumble under this type of pressure, here are the birth months who never let hard times stop them:


If you were born in February, you are surprisingly calm under pressure. You aren’t going to let obstacles defeat you because you know you have what it takes to beat the odds. You know you are determined enough to get the job done if it’s within your power — and you also understand when some things are beyond your control. You understand that you cannot force anyone to do anything, and that sometimes life is unfair. You know you didn’t do anything wrong to get the cards you were dealt. You know that you aren’t being ‘punished’ because you aren’t a bad person. You are doing the best that you can every single day, and that’s all you can ask for from yourself.


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If you were born in April, then you’re as stubborn as they come. When life throws obstacles in your way, you aren’t going to give up on yourself. You aren’t going to throw up your hands and go home. You are going to do the impossible. Some people might think you’re fooling yourself for trying as hard as you do, but you are proud for how much effort you put into every little thing. Even if life throws you curveballs, you are going to stick with the plan, or you are going to come up with creative ways to deal with the issue. The one thing you aren’t going to do is give up. You aren’t going to let yourself down.


If you were born in August, you have been through your fair share of tough times. Although there are moments when you question whether you can get through them, you always do. You always prove that you can handle whatever this world throws at you. Luckily, you understand that crying is not a weakness, and neither is asking for help. Although you are super independent, you are able to reach out and explain how much pain you’re in when the time comes. You aren’t going to suffer in silence. You aren’t going to accept pain as a normal part of your existence. You are always trying to better yourself and your situation. You are never going to give up on yourself, no matter how tempted you might become.

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If you were born in November, your pessimistic side can get the best of you. Before things go downhill, you will convince yourself that they aren’t working out. But even though you expect the worst, you still show up every single day with your head held high. You still put a thousand percent of your effort into everything that you do. You never allow your doubts to control you. They never even slow you down. You are constantly pushing past real and imagined obstacles, because you aren’t going to give up on yourself. You are going to try your hardest each and every day, whether or not you think it will pay off in the end. And that takes courage.

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4 Birth Months Who Never Let Hard Times Stop Them

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