zodiac Signs

How You Get A New Chance Depending On His Zodiac Sign

Find out how to reconcile your lover according to his zodiac sign!

Click Here for The #1 Reason Men Lose Interest In Women They Love.

Did you make a mistake that hurt him deeply, he turned his back on you and you don’t know if you still have a chance to reconcile with him, to win his trust or at least to make him talk to you again. The swirling waters of the soul calm down sooner or later, easier or harder depending on the person and his… zodiac sign. Find out what his sensitive cords are, so you can get rid of the cold between you as soon as possible!

How do you reconcile it according to the zodiac sign


His tantrum jumps slightly, but he forgets his anger just as quickly, provided he hasn’t made a colossal mistake. If he leaves slamming the door and doesn’t look for you for a day, two, three, don’t hope he’ll pass, take the first step. Ask him to talk! And don’t get lost in endless explanations, tell him simply and directly that you take the blame, that you are sorry, and that you want him back.

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If you managed to upset a cheerful and always optimistic native Taurus, it means that you were looking for her with the candle. You have to be just as persistent to drive away the clouds of resentment. Wait for him with his favorite food, give him small surprises, but be prepared for him to punish you for days in a row with a distant attitude. If he feels that you are sincerely sorry, he will eventually let his guard down.

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You won’t have to drag this man by the tongue, he will take care of all your mistakes since the world and the Earth. Be saved, so he knows you regret it, but also attractive and sexy, like when you conquered him. Love doesn’t die overnight, neither does attraction, and reconciliations between the sheets are the safest when you’re dealing with a Gemini.

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You also know how sensitive your Cancer is. When you hurt it, it retreats and does not come out of its shell very easily. Surround him with signs of affection, and remind him through simple but meaningful gestures that no one can love him more than you do. If you hold him in your arms and tell him that no one is more important than him in your life, he melts.

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Give it time! If you get into his soul immediately after the unfortunate event, you don’t subdue him even on your knees. As big as the upset was, that’s how much you have to invest to see the proud Leo smiling again. Proving to him how important he is to you will cost you time and money. You’ll still have to buy at least a last-generation gadget if you don’t have money for a car.

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Don’t even think of rolling at his feet sobbing, he’s immune to such manifestations, the children get even more scared. The Virgo man is only wooed after self-criticism. Without sweets and syrups, only with rational arguments on the table. You will have to promise him that you will not repeat the mistake and tell him that you need him like air.

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Don’t victimize yourself or reproach him, so that he also seems guilty of your feat. Maybe you have this tendency sometimes, but now refrain! What do you think would be the mitigating circumstance, that can make the Libra native justice turn his back on you forever? He will make compromises for your sake only if you are able to accept your mistakes.

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If a Scorpio feels betrayed, you have a hard fight to fight that you can only win with a lot of passion. You have to be very passionate, feminine, and have strong nerves because you will hit a wall of arrogance. Even if he forgives you, he will reproach you years from now for your bad step and it is very likely that he will feel revenged only after he repays your deed so that you suffer too!

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Once the storm has broken out, for a while you have to beware of the thunder and lightning of Sagittarius. Stand back and let it cool, then wear gloves. Sometimes self-irony works unexpectedly effectively. Laugh at yourself and your naivety, let him see you vulnerable, willing to make sacrifices. He will let you wonder for a while, then he will forgive you.

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Very rational, Capricorn only gets angry if he has a good reason. You made a mistake, how do you do it? Call him on a date, in one of the places where you know for sure that he always goes with pleasure. Face to face you have the most chances with this native. He must see you, smell you, admire your most attractive dress. While you promise to play by his rules…

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An Aquarius woman must be a model of fairness and loyalty, so if you disappoint him, it’s hard to regain your lost place in his soul. It would help you to have a person on your side whom he trusts a lot, like his mother or sister, to put in a good word for you. The most important thing is to recognize the seriousness of the mistake, not to try to overlook it.

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The fish is very sentimental and softens immediately if you knead day and night for his sake. Your tears and statements cannot leave him indifferent. If he sees that you are a monument of sadness and that you no longer have peace since the situation between you is tense, he feels flattered and gives in, so to speak… Over.

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