zodiac Signs

How The Eclipses Of 2023 Influence Us

As much as we would like them to be overlooked, weaknesses are part of us, so it is necessary to be aware of them and temper them.

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We are often asked about our qualities and defects. We like to talk about the former, but the latter, because they make us vulnerable, we tend to hide them as best we can. As much as we would like them to be overlooked, weaknesses are part of us, so it is necessary to be aware of them and temper them.

The weakness of each zodiac sign

Aries – impatience

You are always in a hurry to say or do things, without thinking about the consequences. Sometimes you are lucky, sometimes impatience turns out to be a real nuisance that you pay dearly for.

Taurus – slowness

You love the comfort and you don’t like to be rushed. You do things at your own pace, but slowness and the habit of avoiding challenges from the bottom of your heart can make you miss important opportunities.

Gemini – instability

Sometimes, you are considered crazy or even a bit irresponsible because you change your mind in the blink of an eye. A thousand plans go through your mind at the same time and you can hardly concentrate on just one.

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Cancer – lack of confidence in yourself

You worry a lot, you blame yourself, and you are insecure, and therefore always dependent on others. Too much sensitivity and doubts make you too often the target of disappointments.

Leo – pride

You often lose your temper and alienate your loved ones with your egocentrism and arrogance. If you are not the center of attention, you make others regret it. A little maturity doesn’t hurt!

Virgo – the habit of worrying

You are a perfectionist and you worry too much about everything. You never relax, you are neither satisfied with yourself nor with others. It would be ideal to stress less!

Libra – hesitation

You are always indecisive and drag out decisions endlessly because you are not sure which is the right way. You lose precious time, a bad habit for you and annoying for others.

Scorpio – intense emotions

Dramatism often gets you into trouble. You live everything at maximum intensity, but you internalize your emotions, instead of talking openly about them. Thus, you are always misunderstood.

Sagittarius – lack of delicacy

The direct, sometimes brutal way of telling things by name is your biggest weakness. You know very well that diplomacy works wonders, yet you leave the impression that you are insensitive many times.

Capricorn – negative thinking

Organized and rational, you prefer to imagine the most pessimistic scenarios, rather than being taken by surprise. You put evil in front of you and you don’t trust people, which alienates many.

Aquarius – lack of balance

You are unpredictable. Now cold, now friendly, now mean, now generous. With such an attitude, it is difficult to be appreciated at your true value, because you leave the impression that you are superficial.

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Pisces – too much trust in people

Not a few times you got into trouble because you trusted someone you shouldn’t have. You put your soul on the table and expect others to do the same. Pass your feelings through the filter of reason!

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