zodiac Signs

How To Start Your Day According To Your Sign

Some are full of energy in the morning, for others it’s a pain to wake up early and don’t get into their rhythm until around lunchtime.

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Find out which routine is right for you according to your zodiac sign, so you can have easier mornings!

Some are full of energy in the morning, for others it’s a pain to wake up early and don’t get into their rhythm until around lunchtime. Find out which routine is right for you according to your zodiac sign, so you can have easier mornings!

Aries – start with spur(s)

It cannot be said that you are a morning person, but if you start the day with an activity that delights and motivates you, the alarm clock is no longer an ordeal. Sacrifice half an hour of sleep and run, do 100 sit-ups, go to the gym, do a few laps in the pool. Nothing can motivate you more than waking up with the thought that you are getting better, faster, stronger every day, right from the first hour!

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Taurus – another nap

Like all earth signs, you don’t like to be rushed, especially in the morning. You need to do things at your own pace. If you don’t feel ready to get out of bed right away, set two, three, four or as many alarms as needed. Always prepare the clothes you will wear the next day or the night before, otherwise, it could take forever to get out the door.

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Gemini – enter the conversation

If you have no one to drink coffee with, to talk about the plans for the day in question, you can easily relax online, chat with your girlfriends, or with a post that brings attention and appreciation. Call your mother, or your sister, watch the news, read the newspapers, and find out what’s new because that’s what cheers you up. And on the way to the office, if you’re not driving, read a few pages of a book.

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Cancer – with family

The thought that your family needs you to start your engines at full speed banishes your sleep instantly. You feel responsible for the child’s school package, for the husband’s impeccable shirt, so you prefer to wake up at night to solve them all. Don’t forget about yourself either. Take a revitalizing shower, use a scented cream, and listen to good music.

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Leo – a delicious breakfast

Regardless of how you slept and how well you rested, you always find resources for a successful day if you have before your eyes a breakfast to your taste. Your favorite food instantly changes your mood and energy level. It is ideal to start the day with a favorite kind of food, rich, tasty, and consistent, definitely full of proteins, which will delight you.

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Virgo – plans and lists

Every morning you have to know exactly what you have to do that day, otherwise, you feel disoriented. You are not very talkative in the first part of the day, but it is very useful for you to have a diary in which you write down all the tasks that you are going to cross off the list one by one, until the evening. That’s how you clean up and motivate yourself.

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Libra – a bit of yoga

You need to start your day with activities that restore your calmness and confidence in yourself: a quarter of an hour of meditation or stretching, mentally repeating a mantra, choosing an outfit in the lucky colors of that day. You like to match your clothes, to choose your accessories, to do your makeup discreetly. But without giggles and hugs with loved ones in the early hours, the dawn has no charm.

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Scorpio – write on paper

Every morning you are confused and a little panicked. You don’t know what to do first, you start ten things and leave them all unfinished. You need a clear mind and a little more organization, and for that, start with a moment of respire, in which you can relax and write on paper everything that is important and you are not allowed to forget. Five minutes under the shower wakes you up and guarantees a fresh start.

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Sagittarius – get a puzzle ready

Jump out of bed at the first sound of the alarm and enter the socket automatically. Well, many times, you wake up before the clock rings, especially if you know that something interesting or important is waiting for you that day… To get your blood moving and consume your energy, it would be good to go down part of the distance to work or to do a little sport in the first hour.

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Capricorn – a big coffee

A well-established routine brings you guaranteed growth. You get used to always waking up at the same time, preparing the same breakfast and the clothes you will wear that day. You are not very talkative, but you are very efficient. If you check your work email and solve some minor issues while drinking a large coffee, you can already say that your day started the way you want.

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Aquarius – good music

You hate from the bottom of your heart to have an imposed schedule and waking up at fixed times depresses you, so you are unpredictable in the morning. Sometimes you get to the office first, sometimes you excuse yourself for hilarious reasons. To brighten up your routine, put your headphones in your ears and don’t stop directly at the office, take a look through a clothing store, enter a bookstore, make a reservation for a movie for the evening or enjoy the frappe in a cafe.

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Pisces – with your thoughts

Every morning, all you want is to be able to sleep a lot without anyone disturbing you. And after you wake up, you dream with your eyes open. You rarely manage to leave home at the right time, and most of the time you are late, no matter where you have to get to in the first part of the day. You need a few moments just with you and your thoughts, for a calm, quiet, unhurried start.

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