zodiac Signs

How Well You Hide Your Emotions, Depending On Your Sign

The Pisces native expresses her feelings only when someone close to her is going through great suffering.

Leo(July 22 – August 22)

Only sometimes you can’t hide your emotions and most likely when someone steps on your tail.
You can’t stand criticism or if someone keeps you in suspense intentionally, that’s why your outbursts can be loud in most cases. When you have emotions, you try to strengthen yourself by a safe one without complaining to those around you.

Virgo(August 23 – September 22)

You never keep what you feel to yourself, and even if you sometimes propose this to yourself, you don’t succeed.
You will be dejected, sad and much less talkative than usual. You always show yourself off in front of those you know very well, and to others you leave the impression that you are the strongest person in the world.

Libra(September 23 – October 22)

Even if you are able to hide your emotions very well, you never want to do this.
You believe that if you keep it to yourself you will accumulate frustrations and you do your best to put your feelings on the tray regardless of whether or not you disturb those around you. You are quite emotional and you let it show!

Scorpio(October 23 – November 21)

You hide your emotions perfectly, no matter how strong they are.
You don’t like the world to categorize you as a weak person, that’s why you do your best to show another side of you. Even if you are struggling on the inside, no one will ever know what is in your soul unless you allow it!

Sagittarius(November 22 – December 21)

You don’t even bother to hide your emotions and you show exactly what you feel at that moment.
You like to act natural and it seems like an unnecessary pain to try to show a fake version of yourself. Expect the same from those around you.

Capricorn(December 22 – January 20)

You care a lot about appearances, so you don’t want those around you to know either your problems or your successes.
You are a discreet person and even if it is sometimes very difficult, you manage to keep even your strongest emotions hidden. In this way you manage to become stronger.

Aquarius(January 20 – February 18)

You never know how you will react to the situations in which you are put, therefore there will be moments when you will show your weaknesses, and others when you are stronger than ever.
You can’t control yourself, but your behavior differs from case to case. The only feelings you hide are the ones you are ashamed of.

Pisces(February 19 – March 20)

You are unpredictable, so you never know what your reactions will be.
A lot of factors influence you, but you become sensitive and cannot hide your emotions when you see someone struggling. When it comes to you, you hide your pain or joy very well, but if someone you love goes through hard times, you can’t help but cry or be depressed.

Aries(March 21 – April 20)

You certainly cannot hide your feelings, and your nature is quite direct.
If you get upset, you show it and you don’t take care of anyone, something that is sometimes harshly criticized. When you are happy, everyone will know and you will try to make those around you happy too, you can never feel good alone!

Taurus(April 21 – May 21)

You hide your feelings brilliantly and deal with delicate situations without showing yourself.
You only lash out when you know it’s necessary, and an aggressive attitude on your part would solve serious problems. When you are under attack or something that is yours is in danger, you certainly expose your feelings and rules.

Gemini(May 22 – June 21)

You only express your feelings when you feel there is an injustice and you are the one who suffers.
Most of the time, however, you want to keep what you feel to yourself and not open up to others. You manage this brilliantly until the moment when too many intense experiences accumulate, and then you give in.

Cancer(June 22 – July 21)

You are very sensitive and emotional, so you can never hide your feelings no matter how hard you try.
Gestures and words always give you a blank, most of the time being quite explosive. If you get angry or agitated, it would be good if everyone around you stays out of your way.

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