What color should be the aura of your zodiac sign and why?
Just as your horoscope is unique and reveals things about your astrological personality, the aura, and energy you give to the world are aspects that affect your daily life!
Aries(March 21 – April 20)
Aries thinks and speaks with fire in his eyes and passion in his soul.
He is known for his impulsiveness and anger. These features are the reason why the color of his aura will be bright red. Not because he is a nervous person, but because red is the perfect color to express who he really is. He is passionate and fearless. While some are intimidated by his strength, others are intrigued.
Taurus(April 21 – May 21)
Taurus’ energy and aura perfectly embody the earth signs.
She is a real person who is always looking to improve, but also passionate and creative. He has a penchant for sensual pleasures and fine things. The color of his aura is reddish-orange, because orange is the primary color of the creative world, and red symbolizes love and passion. He cares a lot about his family and his relationships.
Gemini(May 22 – June 21)
The twins are known for their energy and their funny, wild, and free personality.
The color of their aura is yellow, which symbolizes happiness, wisdom, and imagination. Gemini is an angelic representation of youth and courage.
Cancer(June 22 – July 21)
Cancer is very caring with those he loves and is always guided by his heart.
Therefore, the color of his aura is blue. His words are gentle, and his deeds are full of compassion. His heart is strong, and his mind is even stronger. He has a rare power, the power to be patient. He is the glue that holds things and people together, making his aura unmatched.
Leo(July 22 – August 22)
Leo was born to be a leader. He knows what he wants and he won’t let anyone stand in his way.
It is obvious why the color of his aura is gold. Leo is looking for adventure and people come to him for guidance. The best thing she can do for him is to fulfill all his dreams, hopes and desires. His motivation inspires others. He is often praised for his clear thinking as well as his objective judgment of others.
Virgo(August 23 – September 22)
Virgo is very analytical and typical. From these motifs, the color of its aura is greenish-blue.
He is a sensitive soul, with a lot of thoughts and opinions that go through his mind. She also wants to do everything on her own, because her vision matters the most to her. Some admire its aura, while others do not understand it and still appreciate it.
Libra(September 23 – October 22)
Libra is a magnificent person with a very good soul.
The color of its aura is pink. It is full of life and energy and tends to make everyone feel ecstatic. She always likes to look good and feel good, contagious things anyway. The reason why the rose of your aura is gentle and welcoming is that it represents optimism and hope.
Scorpio(October 23 – November 21)
Scorpio is a fierce person who is often misunderstood.
His passion for people and things is deeper than anyone could have ever imagined. This is why the color of its aura is cherry. However, its aura is not always visible, it is interactive depending on its situation or the people it is with. And when she is active, people are afraid, but not because her energy is frightening, but because they have never met a person with such strong energy as her.
Sagittarius(November 22 – December 21)
Sagittarius is a free spirit. He relies solely on his intuition and enjoys being carried away by the tide.
Therefore, the color of its aura is light blue. It has a divine way of thinking and looking at the world. His aura is welcoming and calms those around him.
Capricorn(December 22 – January 19)
Capricorn exudes confidence through every pore.
The color of its aura is purple-blue. Violet represents the courage to enter the game and blue symbolizes strong will. His energy level is very high compared to the other people around him.
Aquarius(January 20 – February 18)
Aquarius is a highly regarded and trusted person.
The color of its aura is purple. He is a radiant, charismatic being, full of life and love. His outlook on life is different from that of others. However, it easily attracts people to follow their way of life.
Pisces(February 19 – March 20)
Pisces are known for their emotion.
The color of their aura is indigo, the deepest shade of blue. And while blue represents calm, indigo represents its sensitivity. Their thoughts and emotions are deeper and more complex than those of others. Moreover, he loves to help and heal people, because their aura is very welcoming.